In this section:


 The custom VLAN configuration is not supported for DSC SWe (on MA-RMS).

Network interfaces on the DSC SWe are configured to use custom VLANs. The enhanced VLAN capability is available on VMs with defined IP Interfaces.

Creating a custom VLAN on the DSC SWe is performed in two steps. First, the custom VLAN is created in the VLAN Interface screen of the Web UI. Second, an IP address is then assigned to the custom VLAN in the Routing IP Network screen.

You can create, delete, and manage up to 4094 custom VLAN interfaces (as specified in IEEE 802.1q) on packet interfaces: pkt0, pkt1, pkt2, and pkt3.


Limited resources on the Host OS may constrain the maximum number of custom VLAN interfaces created on the DSC SWe. In addition, the Host OS must be configured to allow IEEE 802.1q VLAN packet routing to the VM packet interfaces.

The DSC SWe allows custom VLAN IDs defined in a range from 1 to 4094, inclusive. The VLAN IDs are not required to be consecutive numbers. For example, the following custom VLAN IDs are all valid: pkt0.16, pkt3.2044, or pkt1.20.

The Type of Service (TOS) value is associated with the quality of service and can be selected as a value from 0 to 7. The TOS serves as a flag to network switches and routers to indicate the data packets’ intended priorities. If the network application does not require a priority to be assigned, leave this attribute at 0.

Create a Custom VLAN


Ensure a routing subnet is added to the network configuration before creating a custom VLAN. Refer to section, Configure Ethernet Interfaces for IP Routing on DSC SWe.


  1. From the Main Menu, click IP Networking.
  2. Click Network Interfaces.
  3. Click VLAN Interfaces.
  4. Select the required VM slot from the VLAN Network Interfaces on the drop-down menu and click Update.
  5. Click Add VLAN Interface.
  6. Configure the VLAN parameters and Click Apply.


    Make sure you enter a VLAN ID between 1 and 4094 in the VLAN ID text box.

  7. Click Commit All Changes.
  8. Click Confirm Commit.

Delete a Custom VLAN


  1. From the Main Menu, click IP Networking.
  2. Click VLAN Interfaces.
  3. Select the required VM slot from the VLAN Network Interfaces on the drop-down menu on which you want to delete a custom VLAN.
  4. Click Update.
  5. Click Delete on the same line the custom VLAN interface you want to delete appears.
  6. Click Commit All Changes.
  7. Click Confirm Commit.

Edit a Custom VLAN


  1. From the Main Menu, click IP Networking.
  2. Click VLAN Interfaces.
  3. Select the required VM slot from the VLAN Network Interfaces on the drop-down menu on which you want to edit a custom VLAN.
  4. Click Update.
  5. Click Edit in the same line the custom VLAN you want to edit appears.
  6. Edit the custom VLAN parameters.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click Commit All Changes.
  9. Click Confirm Commit.

Assign an IP Address to a Custom VLAN


  1. From the Main Menu, click IP Networking.
  2. Click Network Interfaces.
  3. Click Routing IP Network.
  4. Select the required VM slot from the Routing IP Network Configuration on drop-down menu and click Update.

  5. If you are modifying an existing VLAN interface with a pre-configured IP address, click Edit on the custom VLAN; otherwise go to step 7.

  6. Configure the IP Address and Netmask and go to step 9.

  7. Select a VLAN from the Add New Routing Subnet drop-down menu and click Add.


    The custom VLAN appears in the Add New Routing Subnet drop-down menu.

  8. Configure the IP parameters for the new VLAN interface.
  9. Click Save and Restart Networking.


    Restarting networking can cause a momentary interruption in transmitting traffic and some messages can be lost. It is recommended that this action is executed during a maintenance window.


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