In this section:

The SDA System Manager GUI presents information in tables.

Changing Table Formats

From the System Manager GUI, you can perform the following functions on tables:

  • change table page size
  • autosize columns
  • hide columns                                           
  • move columns                                          
  • save table format settings
  • show columns
  • size columns
  • sort columns

Changing the Table Page Size

Modifies the number of rows displayed in a table by making a new entry in the Page Size field.

Autosize Table Columns

Modify the size of columns by placing the mouse cursor over a column heading, pressing the right mouse button, and making one of the following selections, as shown in the following table:

Table Sizing Options


Column Auto Sizing






Auto Resize Off

Columns are displayed full size. The scroll bar is provided at the bottom of the table.

Next Column

Gives priority in sizing to the current column over the next column in the table.

Subsequent Columns

Gives priority in sizing to the current column over all of the rest of the columns in the table.

All Columns

Gives equal priority to all columns in the table.

Last Column

Gives equal priority to all the columns in the table except for the last column.


Sizes the columns back to the default size for each column.

Hiding Table Columns

Hide a column by placing the mouse cursor over a column heading, pressing the right mouse button, and selecting Hide column name from the menu.

Moving Table Columns

Rearrange the columns by clicking the column heading and dragging and dropping it into another position.

Saving Table Format Settings

Save any of the table format changes you have made by selecting Configure > Save Settings or pressing <CTRL+S>. These settings are saved for an individual user until the next login.

Showing Table Columns

Show a hidden column by placing the mouse cursor over a column heading, pressing the right mouse button, and selecting Show > column name from the menu.

Sizing Table Columns

Size a table column by placing the mouse cursor on the column line in the heading row and pulling it to make the column width smaller or larger.

Sorting Table Columns

Sort a table column by placing the mouse cursor over a column heading, pressing the right mouse button, and selecting Sort > Ascending or Sort > Descending.

  • No labels