The Hostname Resolution feature allows you to use a hostname rather than an IP address for a node in your network by mapping a hostname to the IP address of the computer. This information is kept in a file named /etc/hosts. When you add or delete a host, or reassign IP addresses, this information is entered in the /etc/hosts file and saved. You do not have to restart networking or load any other files.

You are restricted to use 64 characters for a hostname. You can enter more than 64 characters, but these characters are not displayed.

You can only delete hostnames that you create. The read-only hostnames on the screen are created by default and are required for the system.


Do not alter hostnames that are currently being used by their applications. Any changes may result in unexpected system behavior. It is recommended to use a new hostname when modifying configurations.

Map a Hostname to an IP Address

  1. From the Main Menu click IP Networking.
  2. Click Hostname Resolution.
  3. Do the following:
    1. In the IP Address text box, enter the IP Address to which you want to map a hostname.
    2. In the Hostname text box, enter the hostname that you want to use.
  4. Click Add.


    To delete a hostname, click Delete in the same line as the hostname you want to delete.

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