The Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) provides additional network services to Message Transfer Part Level 3 (MTP3) for transferring signaling information between exchanges and specialized centers in telecommunication networks. This protocol ensures flexible message routing that results in enhanced network functionality.

The DSC Platform SCCP is based on GR-246-CORE and ITU-T Q.71X and supportsbasicconnection oriented service. This protocol also supports most functions of connectionless service, with a few minor omissions such as the optional traffic mix information and Long Unit Data (LUDT) and related messages.

In the traditional sense, an SCCP user application is a subsystem number. The users register with a Point Code Sub-system Number (PC-SSN), where the PC is a valid point code hosted on the DSC Platform. This system notifies concerned elements in real-time about the status of the SSN through standard SCCP management procedures.

The DSC Platform allows SCCP user applications to dynamically register with

 PC-SSN to send and receive SCCP primitives and supports protocol classes 0, 1 (connectionless), and 2 (connection-oriented).

The SCCP user interface consists of an exchange of messages between the DSC Platform SCCP and the SCCP user applications. These messages are derived from the SS7 user primitives as defined in ITU-T Q.711 and GR-246-CORE, with a few additions to support dynamic registration. Internal DSC Platform SCCP user applications include the Signaling Gateway (SG).

Configuring SCCP

Virtual Nodes

If the DSC Platform is deployed as an STP and the SCCP user applications use PCs other than the Local Point Code (LPC), enable the VNode Feature attribute. If the VNode feature attribute is enabled, create aVNode for each point code that the SCCP user applications are planning to registertoexcluding the LPC.


The following SCCP user API versions correspond to the following DSC Platform releases:

  • Version 1 = 3.0 and above
  • Version 2 = 6.1 and above
  • Version 3 and 4 = applies to SCCP GT API and does not impact the SCCP User API
  • Version 5 = 8.0 and above
  • Version 6 = 10.0 and above
  • Version 7 = Applies to SCCP GT API and does not impact the SCCP User API
  • Version 8 = 12.0 for Point Code (PC) format support

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