The DSC - SP2000 Platforms provide data measurements on a per system and per slot (CPU) or virtual slot (VM) basis as described in the following figure and table provides an example for a file that includes such measurements. Note the separate lines containing data for system and for slot data measurements.

System-30min (example)
date			,instance,Originated MSU,Terminated MSU,Thru-switch MSU,Originated MSU octets,Terminated MSU octets,Thru-switch MSU octets,GTT Received,GTT Performed,GTT Performed Default PC List,GTT Not Performed,reserved1,reserved2,reserved3,MSUs discarded due to invalid DPC,MSUs discarded due to invalid SIO,Number of MTP Restarts Initiated,GTT Bad MSU,GTT No Rule Found - Called,GTT No Address Found - Called,GTT Ignored,Node processing time average,Node processing time sample size,Cross STP time average,Cross STP time sample size,Node processing time 95th percentile failure,Cross STP time 95th percentile failure,GTT No Rule Found - Calling,GTT No Address Found - Calling,GTT No Rule Found - OPC,IMF Sent,IMF Discarded,Up time,MTP3 Unexpected MSU Discards,MTP3 Network-Based MSU Discards,SCCP Unexpected MSU Discards,SCCP Network-Based MSU Discards,GTT Unexpected MSU Discards, GTT Network-Based MSU Discards,SG Unexpected MSU Discards,SG Network-Based MSU Discards.
2019-04-04-00:30,system  ,480			,480		   ,0			   ,18240				 ,18240				   ,0					  ,0		   ,0			 ,0							   ,0				 ,0		   ,0		 ,0		   ,0								 ,0								   ,0								,0		    ,0						   ,0							 ,0			 ,0							  ,0							   ,0					  ,0						 ,0											  ,0									 ,0							 ,0								,0						,0		 ,0			   ,129577               ,0                            ,0                               ,0                          ,0                      ,0                     ,0                             ,0                                 ,0     
2019-04-04-00:30,slot_1  ,240			,240		   ,0			   ,9120				 ,9120				   ,0					  ,0		   ,0			 ,0							   ,0				 ,0		   ,0		 ,0		   ,0								 ,0								   ,0								,0			,0						   ,0							 ,0			 ,0							  ,0							   ,0					  ,0						 ,0											  ,0									 ,0							 ,0								,0						,0		 ,0			   ,129214               ,0                            ,0                             ,0                        ,0                       ,0                       ,0                              ,0                              ,0      
2019-04-04-00:30,slot_2  ,240			,240		   ,0			   ,9120				 ,9120				   ,0					  ,0		   ,0			 ,0							   ,0				 ,0		   ,0		 ,0		   ,0								 ,0								   ,0								,0			,0						   ,0							 ,0			  ,0							 ,0							   ,0					  ,0						 ,0											  ,0									 ,0							 ,0								 ,0						,0		,0			   ,129577		          ,0                              ,0                            ,0                             ,0                      ,0                       ,0                          ,0                               ,0

The instance represents the application object that generates the data measurements. The system instance value is formatted as follows:

  • system

The slot instance value is formatted as follows:

  • slot_<CPU>

The following table provides descriptions of the System and Slot data measurements file.

Listings and Descriptions per System and per Slot Data Measurements

Name in Stats FileStatisticDescription

Originated MSU

Originated Message Signal Units (MSUs)

Number of outgoing MSUs, carrying the Signaling Transfer Point’s (STP’s) point code (PC) in the Originating Point Code (OPC) field, that are successfully passed to Message Transfer Part level 2 (MTP2) for transmission (for example, network management messages and MSUs completing Global Title Translation, GTT).

Note: DMTP application is sent to library for 5 seconds from link’s context. If the OPC matches the NA’s OPC for the transmitted MSU, this MSU is counted.

Terminated MSUTerminated MSUs

Number of acknowledged, incoming MSUs carrying the STP’s PC or capability code in the Destination Point Code (DPC) field.

Note: This statistic is sent to library for every 5 seconds from link’s context. If the DPC of the received MSU matches the NA’s OPC, then this MSU is counted.

Thru-switch MSU

Through-switch MSUs

Number of MSUs not carrying the STP’s PC or capability code in either the OPC or DPC. The MSU was acknowledged, translated, and successfully passed to MTP2 for transmission.

Note: This statistic is sent to library for every 5 seconds from link’s context. If the OPC does not match the NA’s OPC for the transmitted MSU, this MSU is counted.

Originated MSU octets

Originated MSU Octets

Total number of octets associated with MSUs counted in the measurement Originated Message Signal Units (SYS ORIG MSU) including those octets that are added in MTP2 processing. The count must reflect the actual number of octets that are transmitted.

Terminated MSU octetsTerminated MSU OctetsTotal number of octets associated with MSUs counted in the measurement Terminated Message Signal Units (SYS TERM MSU). The count must reflect the actual number of octets received, including octets removed in MTP2 processing.

Thru-switch MSU octets

Through-switched MSU OctetsTotal number of octets associated with MSUs counted in the measurement Through-Switched Message Signal Units (SYS THRU SWITCH MSU), including those octets that are added in MTP2 processing. The count must reflect the actual number of octets that are transmitted.
GTT ReceivedGTT Received

Total number of UDT/UDTS received by GTT. This measurement is based on the following formula:

GTT Received = GTT Bad MSU + GTT Ignored + GTT Performed + GTT Perform Default + GTT Not Performed.

GTT PerformedGTT PerformedTotal number of MSUs successfully completing GTT (in other words, match is found in the global title). The count is kept across all translation types.
GTT Performed Default PC ListGTT Performed Default Point CodeTotal number of MSUs successfully completing GTT, but using the default PC List.
GTT Not Performed

GTT Not Performed

Total number of MSUs that did not successfully complete GTT.

Number of Critical System Alarms (Reserved)

Number of critical system alarms that occur over the measurement interval.

Note: This measurement is unavailable. The definition of a critical alarm is found in the section entitled Alarm Severity (Section of GR-474-CORE.

reserved2Number of Major System Alarms (Reserved) 

Number of major system alarms that occur over the measurement interval.

Note: This measurement is unavailable. The definition of a critical alarm is found in the section entitled Alarm Severity (Section of GR-474-CORE.


Number of Minor System Alarms (Reserved)


Number of minor system alarms that occur over the measurement interval.

Note: This measurement is unavailable. The definition of a critical alarm is found in the section entitled Alarm Severity (Section of GR-474-CORE.

MSUs discarded due to invalid DPCMSUs Discarded due to Invalid DPC

Number of MSUs discarded because the STP cannot find the DPC in its translation table.

Note: If the DPC cannot be routed, the MSU is counted as discarded due to invalid DPC. The counter is sent to library every 5 seconds from link’s context.

MSUs discarded due to invalid SIOMSUs Discarded due to Invalid SIO

Number of MSUs discarded because the STP does not support the service requested in the Service Information Octet (SIO).

Note: The counter is sent to library every 5 seconds from link’s context.

Number of MTP Restarts Initiated Number of MTP Restarts InitiatedNumber of times MTP Restart is initiated by the STP. More specifically, this data measurement counts the number of times the STP initiated the MTP Restart procedure and does not count the number of times the STP invoked procedures for being adjacent to a restarting signaling point.
GTT Bad MSUGTT Bad MSUTotal number of badly formatted MSUs.
GTT No Rule Found - CalledGTT No Rule Found -Called

Total number of MSUs that are not contained in the Global Title Indicator (GTI), Numbering Plan (NP), Translation Type (TT), and Nature of Address (NAI) of the GT Called Searches table.

Note: This is not necessarily linked to a GTT Not Performed statistic; however it is used to identify possible configuration issues, especially in the Advanced GTT (Calling and OPC) deployments.

GTT No Address Found - CalledGTT No Address Found - Called 

Total number of MSUs where record search fails for the Global Title Address (GTA) digits in the GT Called Searches table.

Note: This is not necessarily linked to a GTT Not Performed statistic; however it is used to identify possible configuration issues, especially in the Advanced GTT (Calling and OPC) deployments.

GTT No Rule Found - CallingGTT No Rule Found -Calling 

Total number of MSUs that are not contained in the Global Title Indicator (GTI), Numbering Plan (NP), Translation Type (TT), and Nature of Address (NAI) of the GT Calling Searches table.

Note: This is not necessarily linked to a GTT Not Performed statistic; however it is used to identify possible configuration issues, especially in the Advanced GTT (Calling and OPC) deployments.

GTT No Address Found - Calling GTT No Address Found - Calling

Total number of MSUs where record search fails for the Global Title Address (GTA) digits in the GT Calling Searches table.

Note: This is not necessarily linked to a GTT Not Performed statistic; however it is used to identify possible configuration issues, especially in the Advanced GTT (Calling and OPC) deployments.

GTT No Rule Found - OPCGTT No Rule Found - OPC 

Total number of MSUs that are not contained in the OPC range of the GT OPC Searches table.

Note: This is not necessarily linked to a GTT Not Performed statistic; however it is used to identify possible configuration issues, especially in the Advanced GTT (Calling and OPC) deployments.

GTT IgnoredGTT IgnoredTotal number of Unitdata Service (UDTS) ignored.
Cross STP time averageAverage Cross-STP Transport Time for Sampled MSUs

Count made by sampling the cross-STP transport time1 of an MSU every 10 seconds. The sampled times are averaged by totaling the sampled times and dividing by the number of MSUs sampled over the measurement interval.

Cross STP time sample sizeNumber of MSUs Sampled for Cross-STP Transport TimeNumber of MSUs sampled for cross-STP transport time.
Cross STP time 95th percentile failureNumber of Sampled MSUs Failing Normal-Load 95th Percentile Test for Cross-STP Transport TimeNumber of MSUs sampled for cross STP transport time that did not meet the 95th percentile requirements specified for a Cross STP time. For more information, see the GR-82-CORE, Section 9.2.3, Issue 10, December 2006.
Node processing time averageAverage Node Processing Time for Sampled MSUs Count made by sampling the node processing time2 of an MSU every 10 seconds. The sampled times are averaged by totaling the sampled times and dividing by the number of MSUs sampled over the measurement interval.
Node processing time sample sizeNumber of MSUs Sampled for Node Processing Time Number of MSUs sampled for node processing time.
Node processing time 95th percentile failureNumber of Sampled MSUs Failing Normal-Load 95th Percentile Test for Node Processing TimeNumber of MSUs sampled for node processing time that did not meet the 95th percentile requirements specified for a Normal-Load STP. For more information, see the GR-82-CORE, Section 9.2.1, Issue 10, December 2006.
IMF SentIntegrated Monitoring Feed (IMF) SentNumber of the MSUs that were sent to IMF.
IMF DiscardedIMF DiscardedAttempted number of MSUs that were sent to IMF, but failed.
Up timeUptime

Number of seconds the system has been up. Mean of the measurements during the sampling period.

Note: The instance rows for slot_<CPU> show the uptime per slot; however, the instance rows for system show the maximum number between all slot rows for uptime.

 MTP3 Unexpected MSU Discards MTP3 Unexpected MSU DiscardsNumber of unexpectedly discarded MSUs on MTP3 application.
 MTP3 Network-Based MSU Discards MTP3 Network-Based MSU DiscardsNumber of network-based discarded MSUs on MTP3 application.
SCCP Unexpected MSU DiscardsSCCP Unexpected MSU DiscardsNumber of unexpectedly discarded MSUs on SCCP application.
SCCP Network-Based MSU DiscardsSCCP Network-Based MSU DiscardsNumber of network-based discarded MSUs on SCCP application.
GTT Unexpected MSU DiscardsGTT Unexpected MSU DiscardsNumber of unexpectedly discarded MSUs on GTT application.
GTT Network-Based MSU DiscardsGTT Network-Based MSU DiscardsNumber of network-based discarded MSUs on GTT application.
SG Unexpected MSU DiscardsSG Unexpected MSU DiscardsNumber of unexpectedly discarded MSUs on SG application.
SG Network-Based MSU Discards

SG Network-Based MSU Discards

Number of network-based discarded MSUs on SG application.

1 Cross-STP transport time is the STP node processing time and the link output delay. For more information, see the GR-82-CORE, Section 9.2.3, Issue 10, December 2006.

2 Node processing time consists of the interval beginning when the STP receives the last bit of a message from the incoming link and ending when the STP places the message in the output link buffer. This measurement is not a function of the message size nor the number of layers that a message traverses. For more information, see the GR-82-CORE, Section 9.2.1, Issue 10, December 2006.