In this section:

The SDA System Manager GUI allows you to monitor the status of operations on SDA.

The Monitoring Tab

Use the Monitoring tab to monitor the download status of SDA tables to SysMgr CPU and DSS cards by processor type or database. You can perform audits on database tables, view audit results, or determine database utilization from the Monitoring Tab.

To access the SDA Monitor

  1. Select Configuration > SS7 DB Application from the launcher tree.

  2. Click the Monitoring tab.

    The Monitoring tab window opens

The Monitoring tab displays the following nodes:

  • Download status
  • Audit result
  • Database utilization
  • Audit Control

Download Status Node

Use the Download Status node to view the status of SDA table downloads by processor or tables in a SDA database.

The download status is displayed in the Download Status panel.

A yellow bubble indicates that the download is not complete, a green bubble indicates that the download is complete, and a gray bubble indicates that the processor is unequipped.

If an active processor is unequipped after the initial status entry into the download status table, a yellow bubble is displayed at the processor node. The Download Status displays the yellow bubble until the SDA processor is removed/restored from the system.

 If a processor is equipped when the SDA application is active, you have to close and reopen the application to view the status of the newly equipped processor.

The left pane displays the following:

  • Processors

    Lists all the equipped processors. Select a processor to view the processor subtypes. Select a subtype to display the Download Status panel for that subtype.

  • Databases node

    Lists all the available SDA service, service handler, and miscellaneous databases. Select a database to display the Download Status panel for that subtype

The right pane displays the Download Status panel:

  • Database Name

    Lists the names of the databases downloaded for the selected processor or database.

  • Table Name

    Lists the names of the tables within the databases.
  • Index Name

    Displays the index names for the tables.

  • PDI

    Lists the  PDIs of the processors. The PDI is a unique number for each processor.

  •  Download Status

    Shows the % complete of the download. The Download Status field displays Completed when the download is complete.

Audit Result Node

Use the Audit Result node to view the audit results of the tables in the database.

The audit status of the selected processor or database is displayed in the Audit Result panel.

A yellow bubble indicates the selected node has at least one entry with failed audit status, a green bubble indicates that the selected node has all the entries with audit success status, and a gray bubble indicates that the processor is unequipped.

 The audit is not performed on the SDA database as it is the primary database.

 If an active processor is unequipped after the initial status entry into the audit result table, a yellow bubble is displayed at the processor node. The Audit Result displays the yellow bubble until the SDA processor is removed/restored from the system.

 If a processor is equipped when the SDA application is active, you have to close and reopen the application to view the status of the newly equipped processor.

The left pane displays the following:

  • Processors

    Lists all the equipped processors. Select a processor to view the processor subtypes and display the Audit Result panel for all the subtypes contained in that processor. Select a processor subtype to display the Audit Result panel for just that subtype.

  • Databases node

    Select the Databases node to display all the available SDA service, service handler, and miscellaneous databases and the Audit Result panel for all the databases. Select a database to display the Audit Result panel for just that database.

The right pane displays the Audit Result panel:

  • Database Name

    Lists the names of the databases downloaded for the selected processor or database.

  • Table Name

    Lists the names of the tables within the databases.

  • PDI

    Lists the  PDIs of the processors. PDI is a unique number for each processor.

  • Number of Failed Segments

    Lists the total number of segments that are failed in a table.

  • Time Stamp

    Lists the date and time when the audit cycle was initiated.

  • Table Check

    Indicates whether the table checksum was successful or not. Table Check field displays Pass, if the table checksum is successful.

  • Table Segment Check

    Indicates whether the segment checksum is successful or not. If the table checksum is successful, the Table Segment Check field displays NA.

  • Correction Status

    Indicates whether the database mismatch correction process has started or not. If the mismatch correction has not started, the Correction Status field displays NA.

  • Audit Status

    Indicates the status of the audit.

Database Utilization Node

Use this node to view the utilization percentage for each SDA database table. Select the Database Utilization node to display the nodes for all available SDA service, service handler, and miscellaneous databases in the left pane.

Select a database to display the utilization details of its tables in the Database Utilization panel.

A yellow bubble icon indicates that the table has reached a level of 80% or more utilization and a green bubble icon indicates a utilization level of less than 80%. When the utilization is 80% or more, the Utilization field turns yellow.

The left pane displays the list of all the SDA databases. Select a database to display the Database Utilization panel for just that database.

The right pane displays the Database Utilization panel:

  • Database Name

    Lists the name of the selected database.

  • Table Name

    Lists the names of the tables within the selected database.

  • Number of Entries

    Displays the maximum number of records allowed in the table.
  • Active Number of Entries

    Displays the number of records currently used in the table.

  • Utilization

    Shows the % utilization of the table (current records / maximum records).

Audit Control Node

Use the Audit Control node to schedule audits for the SDA database tables. Select the Audit Control node to display the Audit Control panel and the  Audit Attributes panel. See the following figure.

Monitoring tab, Audit Control node

You can perform the following Audit Control procedures:

  • Schedule a SDA database audit
  • Delete the audit entries of a database

Audit Control Panel

You can schedule an audit for a database using the Audit Attributes panel. If no audit is scheduled for a particular database, then the corresponding row in the Audit Control panel is empty.

The Audit Control panel displays the following:

  • Database Name

    Lists the names of the installed service, service handler, and miscellaneous databases.

  • Audit Frequency

    Displays the audit frequency set for the database.

  • Audit Day

    Displays the audit day set for the database.

  • Audit Interval

    Displays the audit interval set for the database.

  • Status

    Displays the status of a created or modified audit schedule. If an audit schedule is created or modified but not committed to the database, the Status column displays Edited or New. If an audit schedule is modified and committed successfully to the database, the Status column displays Success. If the audit schedule is not successfully committed to the database, the Status column displays Failure and the reason for the failure is displayed if you move the mouse over the status column. If invalid values are entered in the  Audit Attributes panel the Status column displays “?” and the reason for the “?” is displayed if you move the mouse over the status column.

Audit Attributes panel

The Audit Attributes panel displays the following:

  • Audit Frequency

    The frequency of scheduled audits for a database. The possible values are Weekly, Hourly, Daily, On Demand, and Never.

    Select Never if you want to stop future scheduled audits for a particular database. Select On Demand if you want to start an audit immediately. Audit can be scheduled on demand for multiple database or all the database.


  • Audit Day

    The day to schedule the audits. The possible values are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

    Audit Day is enabled only when the Audit Frequency is Weekly.

  • Audit IntervalThe start time for the audit.

    The valid range is 0 - 47. Audits are scheduled in half hour intervals. For instance, if the audit interval is 0, then the audit starts at 12:00 am, if it is 1, then the audit starts at 12:30 am. Audit Interval is disabled when the Audit Frequency is Never.

  • No labels