The following information includes the general principles that apply to configuring and managing the Ribbon DSC Routing Tables.

  • A Routing Table may not be deleted while in use (used as the Initial Routing Table Name or as the Next Table Name in some other Routing Record).

  • The Modification Table Name in a Routing Record may be empty, which indicates that there is no Modification Table applied.

  • The Next Table Name in a Routing Record may not be empty and must contain either the name of an existing Routing Table or a special target (for example, dsc_default, dsc_discard, dsc_error, or dsc_error<error code>). The Next Table Name may not be the name of a Modification, Topology Mapping, or Realm Routing Tables and it may not be the name of the current table.

    The dsc_discard target type only applies to request messages.

  • The Routing Tables may not be created with a name that begins with dsc_ (case insensitive), as these names are reserved for special rules for the Ribbon DSC.

  • The Routing Tables may not be created with an empty name.

  • The Routing Table name may contain at most 64 characters. When a routing table is created, any leading and trailing spaces are deleted from the name.

  • The Routing table names are stored case-sensitive, but compared case-insensitive.

    For example, it is possible to create routing table test_table or routing table Test_Table, but not both. If you create routing table Test_Table, then attempt to set the next table name of a rule to test_table then the change succeeds and the next table name displays as Test_Table, in which case the capitalization is set to match the table name. When setting a Next Table Name or Modification Table Name, leading and trailing spaces are deleted.

  • When a table is created, rules of any special type allowed by the table are created, with Next Table Name set to dsc_default. This makes the special rules explicitly visible, so the rules may be changed if appropriate.

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