The Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) Gateway (INAPGW) application is a message gateway and such statistics are required to provide throughput numbers. The DSC Platform provides INAPGW data measurements as described in the following table.

The following figure shows an example for these measurements.


The sum of INAP Incoming Connects, INAP Incoming Continues, INAP Incoming Error Responses, and INAP Unassociated Responses is equal to INAP Incoming Responses.

The sum of GSM Invalid Queries, GSM INAP Unavailable, and INAP Outgoing Queries is equal to the GSM Incoming Queries.

INAPGW Data Measurements File (example for 5 minutes)
date,instance,GSM Incoming Queries,GSM Incoming Octets,INAP Outgoing Queries,INAP Outgoing Octets,INAP Incoming Responses,INAP Incoming Octects,INAP Incoming Connects,INAP Incoming Continues,INAP Incoming Error Resp,INAP INcoming Unassociated Resp,INAP Query Timeouts,GSM Invalid Queries,GSM INAP Unavailable,GSM MAP Errors

The instance represents the application object that generates the data measurements. The INAPGW instance value is formatted as follows:


DSC INAPGW Data Measurements

Name in Stats File Configuration Description
GSM Incoming Queries Count Number of GSM queries intercepted to the INAPGW.
GSM Incoming Octets Count Number of GSM octets intercepted to the INAPGW.
INAP Outgoing Queries Count Number of INAP queries to the SS7 network from the INAPGW.
INAP Outgoing Octets Count Number of INAP octets to the SS7 network from the INAPGW.
INAP Incoming Responses Count Number of INAP responses from the SS7 network to the INAPGW.
INAP Incoming Octets Count Number of INAP octets from the SS7 network to the INAPGW.
INAP Incoming Connects Count Number of INAP connect responses received.
INAP Incoming Continues Count Number of INAP continue responses received.
INAP Incoming Error Responses Count

Number of INAP error responses received. Includes SCCP UDTS, MAP errors, and TCAP aborts.

Note: May be due to invalid routing to external NPs or invalid INAPGW E164 provisioning.

INAP Unassociated Responses Count

Number of INAP responses that do not match a pending GSM intercepted query.

Note: May be due to INAP query timeout or invalid mate STP E164 configuration.

INAP Query Timeouts Count

Number of INAP queries that expired without receiving a response.

Note: May be due to loss of connectivity to the external NPs, external NPs are down, or delays in responses from external NPs beyond the INAPGW INAP transaction timeout.

GSM Invalid Queries Count

Number of Incoming Queries that are invalid and/or cannot trigger an INAP Outgoing Query.  

Note: May be due to an invalid GWR configuration or maximum transaction reached.

GSM INAP Unavailable Count

Number of Incoming Queries that cannot complete INAP querying.

Note: May be due to the associated NA being down or the transaction table maximum being reached.

GSM MAP Errors Count Number of intercepted queries that require MAP Error handling.