There are four common field types you can encounter using the Menu-based user interface:

This section describes how to modify these fields and provides an example for each field type. The point code field is specifically used for entering point codes and IP addresses and is only found in the MTP UI.

Text Field

The following figure shows an example of a text field.

This field accepts standard keyboard entries, including letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols. The maximum number of characters you can enter is limited to the length of the highlighted portion of the field. Any input beyond this is either not displayed or ignored.

When in edit mode, text cannot be inserted within existing text. If text already appears within the field, the cursor appears at the end of the text. You must delete the existing text before entering new text. You can do this task by pressing the BACKSPACE key, pressing CTRL+H, or pressing CTRL+BACKSPACE which deletes one character each time you press this key combination. You can also press CTRL+U to delete the entire text line.


CTRL+BACKSPACE indicates pressing the Control key and the BACKSPACE key simultaneously.

Pressing ENTER registers the new text and enables you to continue editing more fields on the current screen, but the new text is not applied to the system until you commit the change.

Numeric Field

The following figure shows an example of a numeric field.

This field only accepts digits; all other keyboard input is ignored. The maximum number of characters you can enter is limited to the length of the highlighted portion of the field. Any input beyond this is ignored.

When in edit mode, digits cannot be inserted between existing digits. If a numerical value already appears within the field, the cursor appears at the end of the value. You must delete the existing digits before entering new ones. You can do this task using the BACKSPACE key, or pressing CTRL+H, which deletes one digit each time you press this key combination. You can also enter CTRL+U to delete the entire numerical value.


CTRL+H indicates pressing the Control key and the H key simultaneously.

Pressing ENTER registers the new value and enables you to continue editing more fields on the current screen, but the new value is not applied to the system until you perform a commit.

Enumerated List Field

The following figure shows an example of an enumerated list field.

When this type of field is highlighted, all possible values are listed along the bottom of the screen.

When in edit mode, use the TAB key to step through all of the possible values. Pressing ENTER when the correct value is displayed in the field registers that new value and enables you to continue editing more fields on the current screen. Any changes you make using the user interfaces are not applied to the system until you commit the change.

Point Code Field

The following figure shows an example of a point code field. This type of field is used for both point codes and for IP addresses, the latter of which has an extra segment. This type of field is only found in the MTP user interface.

This field consists of three-digit segments separated by periods (.). Enter the point code or IP address, including the separator periods or dashes, and then press ENTER to move the cursor to the next field on the screen.


The DSC - SP2000 Platforms accept SS7 point code as x-x-x; however, if you entered the point code segments separated by dashes, the Point Code field still displays the segments separated by periods.

If a value for a given segment is entered beyond the allowable range, an error message is displayed along the bottom of the screen and the cursor is returned to the left-most position within the segment.

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