
This is an example. Refer to the latest updated MIB for the exact OID values and dependencies.

The following table lists the mandatory attributes required to create a new M2UA link on a linkset using RowStatus and multiple set commands. You must set the attributes listed in this table before you set the new M2UA link to active using RowStatus.

All other configurable M2UA link attributes listed in the MIB, such as debug levels, do not need to be set at the time of row creation. Default values are inserted for these attributes by the system at the time of row creation. For more information about the mandatory attributes and other configurable M2UA link attributes, refer to the MIB and the appropriate section in the SS7 Application Guide 1 and SS7 Application Guide 2.


If you omit any of the mandatory variables when creating a new instance of the variable using RowStatus, the procedure fails. You must delete the row and recreate it, ensuring that you include all mandatory variables

Mandatory M2UA Link Variables

Variable OBJECT-TYPE Description
ptMTPM2UALinkSLC Read-only attribute that shows a code which uniquely identifies the link in the linkset and is a number from 0-15. If you want to change the SLC for an existing link, you must remove the existing link and then create a new link with the correct information.


snmpwalk -c public <host name> 

Get the list of all linksets on the system and display their CLLI.

CLLI object tag is 5 as per MIB ptMTPLinksetCLLI OBJECT-TYPE.

Parse the list to get the OID of the required Linkset.

  1. Set the RowStatus to 5 (create and wait). (The last instance number is 0).

    A link has MIB Object Identifier 70:
    ptMTPM2UALink                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ptMTPLinkset 70 }

    snmpset -c private <host name>
    . i 5


  2. Set the mandatory attribute, SLC in the link's case.

    The value in this example is 4, which indicates SLC 4.

    SLC is object tag 3 as per MIB ptMTPM2UALinkSLC OBJECT-TYPE.

    snmpset -c private <host name>
    . i 4


  3. Set the Parent OID.


    This OID is the same as the one you are creating without the current object type (Link 70) and its instance (the last instance 0).

    snmpset -c private <host name> 
    . s


  4. Check the RowStatus value.

    snmpget -c public <host name> 

    If the value is 2, the Link is ready to be created. Creating SNMP Attributes.

  5. Create the Link by setting the RowStatus to 1 (Active).

    snmpset -c private <host name>
    . i 1


  6. Do a partial walk to verify the instance of the link to make sure it was created.

    snmpwalk -c public <host name>
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