Use the following procedure to create a linkset.

About Linkset Naming

When creating a linkset, the Adjacent Point Code (APC) of the linkset is entered in the Web UI. This APC appears as the Linkset Name attribute. You may leave the APC as the Linkset Name or, if required, change this attribute according to the GR-310-CORE standard.

The GR-310-CORE standard specifies that the Linkset Name attribute may be variable length of two to 16 characters. The Link Names must be alphanumeric with the exception of characters “.”, “_” and “-”. The Linkset Names are automatically translated to uppercase characters. For example, if you enter ab77sud as the Linkset Name, this name is automatically changed to AB77SUD.

(Linkset) Basic Configuration

The Link Names are automatically generated based on the Linkset Names. Link Names use the Linkset Name and the two-digit SLC value. For example, a link with SLC 2 within Linkset AB456889 is defined as AB456889-02. Link Names cannot be modified and are updated if the parent Linkset Name is modified.

The generated alarms, logs, and data measurements display the Linkset Name and Link Name as defined in the Web UI.


Only the MTP3 tables have adopted the use of Linkset Name according to the GR-310-CORE. However, Gateway Screening does not support Linkset Names according to this standard.


  1. Log onto the Web UI.
  2. From the Main Menu, click MTP3.

  3. Click the required NA.
  4. Click Linksets.


    Clicking the Reset IMF button disables IMF on all linksets.


  5. Click Create Linkset.
  6. Enter the APC as required.
  7. Click Create.

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