In this section:

Creating Objects

To create an object, click Create on the respective object’s screen (see the following figure).

L2 Connection Selection Screen Example


Deleting Objects

To delete an object, click the X on the respective object’s Selection screen in the associated row (see the previous figure, Figure SCCP NA Selection Screen Example).

Alternatively, click the object to be deleted and then click Delete on the respective object’s screen (see the following figure).

SCCP NA Configuration Screen Example


Sorting Objects

This feature only applies to Application Selection tables. For a list of all DSC - SP2000 applications, refer to Applications.

To sort objects in the Selection table in ascending order (a - z or 0 - 10), click the column header (see the following figure). 

Clicking on a column header triggers the arrow icon in that header to indicate the active column and the direction the column has been sorted.

Selection tables by default are sorted by the first column in ascending order. Navigating away and returning to the table causes the Selection table to return to its default setting.

All Links Ascending


To sort objects in the Selection table in descending order (z - a or 10 - 0), click the column header a second time.

All Links Descending


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