After configuring the IP addresses for the Ethernet interfaces, you must confirm that the Ethernet interfaces are configured and responding correctly and that the system is accessible from the network. You can ping the DSC8000 or the DSC SWe VM to confirm network connectivity.

If you ping the system and there is no response, check the following:

  • It is possible that the system you are searching for is not running. To make sure that your system is functioning properly, try to send a ping to a system that you know is running and to which you have network access.
  • You may have the incorrect IP address configured for the Ethernet interface.
  • Your network may use NAT. This mechanism converts internal IP addresses before broadcasting them to public LANs.
  • Make sure that there is no firewall that is stopping the connection between your system and the destination you are attempting to communicate with.


    The DSC Platform is not a NAT-compatible device.

Ping a System using the DSC Web UI


  1. From the DSC Main Menu click IP Networking.
  2. Click IP Utilities.
  3. Click Ping.
  4. Using the Ping from drop-down list, select the card or VM that you want to ping from.

  5. Enter the IP address of the host that you want to ping and enter the ping count.
  6. Click Ping.


    If the message your receive shows the same number of sent and received packets and 0% packet loss, the connection is properly configured.

Confirm a Successful Network Configuration


  1. From the Main Menu, click IP Networking.
  2. Click IP Utilities
  3. Click Trace Route.
  4. Using the Trace Route from drop-down list, select the card or VM that you want to trace route from.

  5. Enter the IP address of the remote host.
  6. Using the Type drop-down list, select the required protocol for the trace route process [User Datagram Protocol | (UDP) | Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)].
  7. Click Trace Route.

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