In this section:

This section provides you with information about configuring the clock synchronization for the AMC348 card(s).

The DSC 8000 supports per port clocking by default.

To configure the clock synchronization for the AMC348, the following tasks should be performed:

  • Configure the Port Clocking for the AMC348 to receive its primary and secondary timing reference from its internal oscillator (INTERNAL) or from a specific port (0 to 7) that is receiving an external timing reference.


    Although MONITOR_PORT and PORT_8 appear in the Web UI, these ports are not supported.

    On AMC board in supported carrier with TDM clock management support, AMC TCLKA has the role of CTbus0 (Clock_A), AMC TCLKC has the role of CTbus1 (Clock_B).   


  • Configure the Port Clocking for each port 0 to 8 that can be THROUGH or RECOVERED.

    THROUGH means that this particular port receives its timing reference from the clock source setting you configured at the AMC348 level (see previous bullet).

    RECOVERED means that this particular port receives its timing reference from this port that is an external timing reference.


    It is recommended that you set the Clock Source to THROUGH for all ports.

    Configure the Clock Mode.

Configuring the Port Clocking for the AMC348

The AMC348 is designed to provide an alternative clock source if the primary clock source fails. Therefore, this card supports a primary and secondary clock source reference.

The purpose of the secondary clock source reference is to provide failover for the AMC348 card if the primary clock source reference fails. However, if the primary clock source reference is restored, then the AMC348 falls back to use the primary clock source reference as its timing reference.

The following table lists the possible primary and secondary clock sources for the AMC348 card.

Possible Primary and Secondary Clock Sources
Primary Clock SourcesSecondary Clock Sources
Receiver of a trunk (PORT_0 to PORT_7)Receiver of a trunk (PORT_0 to PORT_7)
Internal oscillator (INTERNAL)Internal oscillator (INTERNAL)

The following table lists the primary and secondary clock source limitations.

Primary or Secondary Clock Source Limitations
Clock ModePrimary Clock SourceSecondary Clock Source
must not be set tomust be set tomust not be set tomust be set to


















To Configure the AMC348 Clock Source

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Hardware, and click the required AMC348 card on the DSC 8000 image.
  2. Select AMC348 card under Card Type. 
  3. Click the Port Clocking tab at the top of the screen.
  4. Configure the attributes.
  5. Go to  To configure the AMC348 clock mode to configure this attribute on this screen.

Configuring the AMC348 Clock Mode

The AMC348 internal clock is configured in a STAND_ALONE mode by default. When you configure the AMC348, this card must use its internal or an external clock reference as its timing reference for both primary or secondary clock sources. The Possible Primary and Secondary Clock Sourcestable lists the available settings for internal and external clock reference choices that are available for AMC348 cards.

  • If the primary clock source becomes unavailable, then the card clock is in failover mode and obtains its timing reference from the secondary clock source.
  • If the primary clock source and the secondary clock source both fail, then the card uses the last known valid clock as its timing reference.
  • If the primary clock source becomes available again, then the card falls back to obtain its timing reference from this clock source.

Primary or Secondary Clock Source Limitations lists the primary and secondary clock source limitations.

To Configure the AMC348 Clock Mode

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Hardware, and click the required AMC348 card on the DSC 8000 image.
  2. Select AMC348 card under Card Type. 
  3. Click the Port Clocking tab at the top of the screen.
  4. Using the Clock Mode drop-down list, select your desired mode. 
  5. Click Continue to save your changes. 

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