In this section:


You configure an ASP by entering the IP address, port and identification number. You can associate a Routing Context (an attribute that belongs to a specific AS) with a configured ASP, which then links the ASP to an AS. 

You can modify the ASP Type attribute between the two values listed below. The default value is STANDARD. 

  • STANDARD: The standard ASP configuration.
  • PSX: A specialized type of ASP, only to be used for interoperation with the PSX product. 


You can only choose the ASP Type upon ASP creation. 

If you set the ASP Management attribute on the SUA Server Configuration screen to CONFIGURED ONLY, then only preconfigured ASPs can connect to the system.

As mentioned above the Routing Context of an AS can be used to associate the AS with an ASP as described in the RFC3868, Sections Configured Routing Contexts can also be grouped together by defining a Remote Routing Context. An ASP may then be activated for the group of configured routing contexts by sending a single ASP Active message that contains only the remote routing context. All notifications and acknowledgment messages pertaining to any Application Server in the group will contain the remote routing context.

After you configured an ASP a Routing Context must also be configured (for more information, see To create an SUA Routing Context)

To create SUA Configured ASP

Click to

To configure an SUA Configured ASP

Click to

To create an SUA Routing Context

Click to

To configure an SUA Routing Context

Click to

Enabling IMF with SUA ASP

The SG provides the ability to copy SUA ASP messages to the Integrated Monitoring Feed (IMF) for traffic analysis on a Global or ASP level. For more information about the IMF, refer to Configuring the Integrated Monitoring Feed.

In order for a dynamic SUA ASP to send all inbound/outbound connection oriented, connectionless, ASPTM and NOTIFY messages to the IMF interface, the Global IMF Support for the SUA must be ENABLED. Then any individual ASP level IMF Support may be ENABLED. 


The SG must have an IMF license to enable the IMF Support. 

If both the IMF Support attributes are disabled, then no action is taken.

To disable the IMF Support attribute for all SUA Configured ASPs, use the Reset IMF action. 


The SUA Configured ASP Reset IMF action does not alter the SUA Global IMF support setting.

Aborting an SUA SCTP Association

To reset an SUA SCTP Association, this association has to be terminated. Taking down (terminating) an SCTP Association can be used to change the state of an Application Server from Active to Down state. This functionality is useful when maintenance is required to modify an Application Server Routing Key. To allow these changes, the following must be performed using the SG application in the Web UI:

  1. Terminate the SCTP Association between the DSC Platform SUA and the given ASP (see To terminate an SUA SCTP Association). Previous to this release, the relevant Application Server Process (ASP) that is responsible for activating the AS had to send an ASP Down message or terminate the given SCTP Association in order to change the AS state. This action now can be performed using the Terminate action on the SUA ASP Configuration screens.

    This action does not block reconnection attempts. In order to block reconnection attempts, the SCTP Server to which the ASP connects should be set to DISABLED (see To activate or deactivate all SUA SCTP Servers). Disabling the SCTP Server does not affect existing ASP SCTP Associations.

  2. Deactivate the ASP (see To activate or deactivate an SUA SCTP Server) You can deactivate the ASP using the DEACTIVATE action in the SUA Configured ASP Configuration screens.

    This action terminates the SCTP Association and blocks a re-connection attempt.

  3. You can now delete the SUA AS as required.

If you want to re-establish the SCTP connection, you have to recreate the SCTP Association and activate. this association using the ACTIVATE action in the in the SUA Configured ASP Configuration screens.

  • CIC UAP ASPs do not have the ability to activate, deactivate, or terminate an SCTP Association.

  • Multi Association ASPs already support this feature at the SCTP Association level, therefore, no changes are required.

  • If you want to re-establish the SCTP connection, you have to recreate the SCTP Association and activate. this association using the ACTIVATE action in the in the SUA Configured ASP Configuration screens.

To terminate an SUA SCTP Association

Click to

To activate or deactivate an SUA Configured ASP

Click to