Target specific Attribute Value Pairs (AVPs) within a grouped AVP set that has multiple instances in a single message and is uniquely identified by an AVP within the grouped set. 

This configuration allows the user to find one AVP value in grouped AVP and then based on that, the ability to modify the same branch.

If a match is found for a unique value of an AVP in grouped AVP set, AVP modification will only be invoked on that grouped AVP set in modification table.

If an AVP Alias is found but no value is matched with provisioned records, the DEFAULT record is followed.

To Configure Routing Tables to Modify AVP Values in the a Grouped AVP:

  1. Navigate to DSC > DSC Definitions > AVP Alias Definitions.
  2. Create AVP Alias Definition for nested AVP A and nested AVP BBoth AVPs are nested AVPs of the Grouped AVP.
  3. Navigate to DSC > DSC Routing Tables > Modification Table.

  4. In the Modification Table Selection row, create a Modification Table to change nested AVP B to a different value.

  5. Navigate to DSC > DSC Routing Tables.
  6. In the AVP Routing Table Selection row, create an AVP Routing Table, and set to filter to desired value.

  7. Link the modification table to the AVP routing record.
  8. Messages that go to the AVP Routing table will be searched for a match with the filter. If a match is found, the modification command will be invoked on the Grouped AVP with the matching AVP.