Using the Memory Space Accounting (MSA) feature, the Ribbon DSC provides accounting of the amount of memory space allocated to monitored objects such as DSC Nodes, Routing Records, and so on.

MSAs are also used to generate alarms based on congestion and usage capabilities. Thresholds for these are set from the corresponding Capacity Parameter Set and may not be modified.


In this guide, the amount of memory space allocated refers to the object count.

Three alarm threshold values can be configured to indicate if a threshold has been exceeded. When the current size of a tracked object increases and crosses a threshold, an alarm is triggered and the event is recorded in the system log file. When the current size of a tracked object returns below the alarm threshold, a cleared alarm message is recorded in the system log file.

The following figure shows the system log file with entries showing a minor alarm raised and cleared for the DSC Node object:

Minor MSA Alarm Raised as it Appears in ptisyslog (Example)

To view an MSA

  1. From the Main Menu, click DSC.

  2. Click the required DSC Instance (if more than one DSC Instance is defined).

  3. Click MSAC.

  4. Click the required MSA.

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