In this section:

The following procedures outline steps to configure Java on your system using the Java Control Panel. The Java Control Panel is accessed from the Windows Start menu on a Windows-based PC or local server.

Selecting a Java Version

 From the Java Control Panel, perform the following steps to select Java 8 when multiple versions of Java are installed on your system.

To select a Java version

  1. Open the Java Control Panel

    The Java Control Panel window appears.

  2. Select the Java tab.

  3. Click the 'View... ' button under 'View and manage Java Runtime versions and settings for Java applications and applets'

    The Java Run-time Environment Settings window appears. 

  4. Check the  'Enabled' check box to set  the required version of Java to the active version.

    The User tab is selected by default, which shows the different Java platforms present on the PC.

Configuring Java Memory Parameters

Follow this procedure to increase Java memory parameters if you frequently receive “out of memory” errors while running the SDA System Manager GUI.

Close all applications prior to performing this procedure.

To configure Java memory parameters

  1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel to open the Java Control Panel
    The Control Panel window opens.

    For assistance, contact your system administrator to access the Java Control Panel.


  2. Double-click the Java icon.
    The Java Control Panel window is displayed.

    The General tab displays as default.


  3. Select the Java tab.


  4. In the Java Applet Runtime Settings panel, click View.
    A Java Runtime Settings dialog box is displayed.

    When the System Manager is operating on very large graphs, the memory allocated by Java may become exhausted. To avoid this possibility, set the minimum and maximum amounts of memory that the Java engine is to reserve as shown in the following step.


  5. In the Java Runtime Parameters field, enter the following specifications:

    -Xms128m -Xmx256m

  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click OK in Java Control Panel.
  9. Close the Control Panel, and restart your browser.

Disabling the Java Cache

Follow this procedure to disable the Java cache on the PC where you access the SDA System Manager GUI.

It is recommended you disable the Java cache.

To disable the Java cache

  1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel.
    The Control Panel window opens.

  2. Double-click the Java icon.
    The Java Control Panel window is displayed.
  3. Select the General tab.

  4. In the Temporary Internet Files panel, click Settings.
    A Temporary Files Settings dialog box is displayed.

  5. Uncheck the 'Keep temporary files on my computer'.

  6. Click OK in all the dialog boxes.

Clearing the Java Cache

Follow this procedure to clear the Java cache on the PC where you access the SDA System Manager GUI.

The Java cache must be cleared after a 5070 SSG software upgrade or fallback procedure.

To clear the Java cache

  1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel.
    The Control Panel window opens.

  2. Double-click the Java icon.
    The Java Control Panel window is displayed.

  3. Select the General tab.

  4. In the Temporary Internet Files panel, click Settings.
    A Temporary Files Settings dialog box is displayed.

  5. Click Delete Files.
    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  6. Click OK in all three dialog boxes if required.

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