In this section:

The Diameter Protocol Parameter Set object is a list of validation rules to be either enforced or ignored for Capabilities Exchange Requests (CER) and Capabilities Exchange Answer (CEA) messages. If a rule is enforced, then a CER/CEA message must comply with the rule or the message will be rejected and an error message will be returned. For more information about CE messages, see Diameter Messages and Message Routing.


Some of the validation rules also apply to Device Watchdog (DW) messages.

The Diameter Protocol Parameter Set is referenced at the Adjacent Diameter Node (ADN) level; therefore, all CE messages received at the ADN (from any of its ADN connections) have to be processed according to the specified parameter set. For more information, see Configuring Adjacent Diameter Nodes.

The Diameter Protocol Parameter Set associated with an ADN may be changed at any time, without deactivating the ADN. If a Diameter Protocol Parameter Set rule is changed, the rule will instantly be applied to all newly received messages. This also true for choosing a different Diameter Protocol Parameter Set at the ADN level (see Configuring Adjacent Diameter Nodes).


The Diameter Protocol Parameter Set comes with two pre-defined sets: default and pre15. Set pre15 is used to mirror the configuration before the upgrade to 15.0.0 to avoid causing existing ADNs to go down because of a non-compliant peer.

To create a Diameter Protocol Parameter Set

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To configure a Diameter Protocol Parameter Set

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