To identify your NA (Network Appearances) within the SS7 network, configure its attributes.


You must deactivate the NA before configuring the Local Point Code, SS7 Node Type, and SS7 Variant attributes (refer to Activating or Deactivating an NA)

The PC Routing Format is defined to delimiter the point code for SS7 routing purposes to determine the breakdown of the network.cluster.member in ANSI based networks (zone.area.member in ITU). The most common usage is for network- or cluster-based routeset definitions in MTP3.

The PC Display Format is used only to display the point code value in the Web UI and logs. Some PC Display Formats cannot be defined as PC Routing Formats as they do not identify the PC delimiter breakdown such as ITU  Decimal and Japan ff-ff.

For example, in ITU, the PC Routing Format may be set to 3.8.3 while the PC Display Format may be 3.8.3 or Decimal. A PC Display format of 3.8.3 displays a point code like 1.002.3 while in Decimal displays the same point code as 2067.  In ANSI, the PC Routing and Display formats must both be set to 8.8.8.


The PC Display and Routing Formats are typically identical unless the PC Display is set to ITU Decimal or Japan ff-ff which do not have delimiter information for routing procedures.  


Member and Cluster routing are part of the ANSI specifications. Default and Network routing are an enhancement in the Signaling Platform MTP3 implementation. 

While ITU specifications only mention Member routesets, where a PC can be treated as a simple number, the Signaling Platform routeset implementation supports all four routeset types (MEMBER, CLUSTER, NETWORK, and DEFAULT) in all SS7 Variants for a possibly more flexible configuration.

The Cluster and Network routesets are available as an option in all SS7 Variants for the Signaling Platform. Therefore, the PC Routing Format must be specified when creating an MTP3 NA to indicate which part of the point code is the network, cluster, and member. If the Cluster and Network routeset types are not required for a given ITU deployment, it is recommended that you set the MTP3 NA PC Routing Format to 3.8.3 to agree with the ITU Q.708 administrative boundaries. Alternatively, in a national deployment, you can set the PC Routing Format to correspond to the administrative boundaries of the national organization.

To configure the MTP basic attributes

  1. From the Main Menu, click MTP3.

  2. Click the NA you want to configure.

  3. Configure the attributes.


    The Restore Debug Defaults action restores the MTP3 NA logging configurations to their default values and clears the associated logging alarms.

  4. Click Continue.

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