
The following section is only applicable to the DSC 8000, the DSC SWe (on MA-RMS), the Signaling Platform 2000 (SP2000), and the virtual SP2000 (on MA-RMS).

The I/O ports in the DSC - SP2000 Platform support the following functionality.

  • manage the line and payload loopback state at the remote node
  • perform Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) by generating and monitoring pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS)

BERT capability on these cards include the following:

  • send a loopback activation code to enable loopback on the remote node
  • send a BERT pattern and monitor the returned data for errors
  • send a loopback deactivation code to disable loopback on the remote node

For detailed descriptions of the various actions available for configuring BERT, see BERT Action Descriptions.

  • Loopcode transmission is limited to T1 only.
  • Pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) generation and detection is supported for T1, E1, and J1.

Use the various actions on the BERT screen to configure this test.

BERT Screen (Example)

Start BERT - This action initiates the BERT which includes the following sequence:

  • Loopback Activation
    • Sends loopback activation code specified by the Far End Loopback Type for the duration of Far End Loopback Activation Time
    • Can be disabled by setting the Far End Loopback Type attribute to NONE  
  • PRBS Generation and Detection
    • Sends PRBS pattern
    • Waits for PRBS pattern in the receive stream according to PRBS Detection Timer
    • Monitors PRBS pattern and errors for the duration specified in BERT Duration
    • Stops sending PRBS pattern after BERT Duration time
    • Can be disabled by setting the BERT Pattern attribute to User Data
  • Loopback Deactivation
    • Sends loopback deactivation code specified by Far End Loopback Type for the duration of Loopback Deactivation Time
    • Can be disabled by setting the Far End Loopback Type attribute to NONE

Stop BERT - This action terminates the BERT as follows:

  • If the Far End Loopback Activation Time is still active
    • Terminates the Far End Loopback Activation Time
    • Performs the Loopback Deactivation. See the Start BERT action description.
    • No further action is taken

  • If PRBS Detection Timer or BERT Duration (timer) is still active
    • Terminates the active timer
    • Stops the PRBS generation and detection
    • Performs the Loopback Deactivation. See the Start BERT action description.

Send Loop Up - This action initiates the Loopback Activation. See the Start BERT action description.

  • This action is invalid if Far End Loopback Type is set to None
  • No further action is taken

Send Loop Down - This action initiates the Loopback Deactivation. See the Start BERT action description.

  • This action is invalid if Far End Loopback Type is set to None
  • No further action is taken

Start PRBS - This action activates the PRBS Generation and Detection. See the Start BERT action description.

  • PRBS Detection Timer and BERT Duration attributes are applicable
  • No other action is taken

Stop PRBS - This action ensures that no PRBS pattern is sent.

  • No other action is taken

    BERT can be initiated by using the actions Send Loop Up, Start PRBS, Stop PRBS, and Send Loop Down, in sequence.  The Start BERT action simplifies the process by performing all four actions.

Configure BERT

  1. Log onto the WebUI.
  2. From the Main Menu, click the required I/O card on the Hardware image.
  3. Click the required I/O card.
  4. Click the required Port.
  5. Click BERT.
  6. Configure the required attributes.
  7. Click Continue.

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