After you have completed the initial configuration procedures, if required, you can change the default Point Code Emulator (PCE) NA values to any unique value from 1 to 99. The default PCE NA settings are recommended unless they are already in use by existing configurations and the PCE support creates a conflict.

The PCE supports Basic and Enhanced licensing options.

  • A Basic license allows for one public (NA 1) and one private (NA 2) network. The Enhanced license allows for one public (NA 1) network and two private networks (NA 2 and NA 3).
  • The Enhanced PCE is used in networks that are migrating traffic from an existing switch to a new switch. In this configuration, the existing switch and the new switch may have the same Local Point Code (LPC) and are able to transmit SS7 signaling to one another.

For more information about PCE, refer to the appropriate section in the SS7 Application Guide 2.

Use this procedure to configure an alias for the network interface pkt0 for pce_1 and pkt1 for pce_2 on all Routing CPUs or Routing and Management VMs. 


  1. SSH to one of the Routing and Management VMs.


    Do not use the shared IP address for logging onto the Routing and Management VMs. 

  2. From the Linux prompt of the Command Line Interface (CLI), enter startmenu.

    Main Menu
            Ribbon Networks DSC
             1 - Licensing
             2 - Configure Network Interfaces
             3 - Set Initial Configuration
             4 - Restore
             5 - Software Revisions
             6 - Enter Shell
             l - Logout
    Enter Selection:
  3. Select 2 and press ENTER.

    Network Configuration
    [Press CTRL-C to abort and return to the previous screen]
             1 - Network Information
             2 - SS7/IP Network
             3 - Management Network
             4 - Restart networking
             5 - Custom VLAN Interfaces
             6 - Load Balancer Network
             b - Back
    Enter Selection:
  4. Select 2 and press ENTER.

    Configure SS7/IP Network
    [Press CTRL-C to abort and return to the previous screen]
            Configure SS7/IP Network on which card ?
             1 - ROUTING_MGMT - slot1_0
             2 - ROUTING_MGMT - slot2_0
             b - Back
    Enter Selection:
  5. Select 1 and press ENTER.

    Network Configuration for MGMT - slot1_0.
    [Press CTRL-C to abort and return to the previous screen]
             1 - Ethernet port (pkt0)
             2 - Ethernet port (pkt1)
             3 - Ethernet port (pkt2)
             4 - Ethernet port (pkt3)
             5 - Ethernet port (imf0)
             6 - Ethernet port (imf1)
             7 - Ethernet port (pkt1.3030)
             b - Back
    Enter Selection:
  6. Select 1 for pkt0 and press ENTER.

    Network Configuration for MGMT - slot1_0.
    [Press CTRL-C to abort and return to the previous screen]
             1 - Show Ethernet UDR ips
             2 - Add Ethernet UDR ips
             3 - Edit Ethernet UDR ips
             4 - Delete Ethernet UDR ips
             b - Back
    Enter Selection:
  7. Select 3 and press ENTER.

    Network Configuration for MGMT - slot1_0.
    [Press CTRL-C to abort and return to the previous screen]
             1 - Show Ethernet UDR ips
             2 - Add Ethernet UDR ips
             3 - Edit Ethernet UDR ips
             4 - Delete Ethernet UDR ips
             b - Back
    Enter Selection: 3
    Are you setting ipv6 address? (y/n)
  8. Do the following:
    1. Depending on whether you are configuring this interface for ipv4 or ipv6, enter n or y and press ENTER.
      In this example, n for ipv4.
    2. Enter the IP Address for the interface pkt0 and press ENTER.
    3. Enter pce_1 for the new alias and press ENTER.
    4. Enter the original IP address of pkt0 for the New IP and press ENTER.


      Do not change the original IP address.

    5. Enter the appropriate Netmask and press ENTER.

      Are you setting up ipv6 address? (y/n) n
      Edit ipv4 udr ip on pkt0
      Please enter the ip of the udr ip to be edited:
      Please enter the New alias for this udr ip: pce_1
      Please enter the New IP address:
      Please enter the New netmask:
      IP for searching:
      Previous alias: 		pce_1
      Previous IP address:
      Previous netmask:
      New alias:				pce_1
      New IP address:
      New netmask:
      Is this information correct? [y/n]
  9. Enter y if the information is correct and press ENTER.


    If the information you entered is incorrect, enter n and press ENTER. You are prompted to re-enter the information from step 8.

    Is this information correct? [y/n] y 
    Configure Network Interfaces
    [Press CTRL-C to abort and return to the previous screen]
    Networking will need to be restarted on MGMT - slot_0 for change to be activated.
    Press <enter> to continue.
  10. Press ENTER.

    Network Configuration for MGMT - slot1_0.
    [Press CTRL-C to abort and return to the previous screen]
             1 - Ethernet port (pkt0)
             2 - Ethernet port (pkt1)
             3 - Ethernet port (pkt2)
             4 - Ethernet port (pkt3)
    		 5 - Ethernet port (imf0)
    	     6 - Ethernet port (imf1)
             b - Back 
    Enter Selection:
  11. Select b-Back and press ENTER.

    Network Configuration for MGMT - slot1_0.
    [Press CTRL-C to abort and return to the previous screen]
             1 - Ethernet port (pkt0)
             2 - Ethernet port (pkt1)
             3 - Ethernet port (pkt2)
             4 - Ethernet port (pkt3)
    		 5 - Ethernet port (imf0)
    	     6 - Ethernet port (imf1)
             b - Back 
    Enter Selection:b
  12. Select 2 for pkt1 and press ENTER.

    Network Configuration for MGMT - slot1_0.
    [Press CTRL-C to abort and return to the previous screen]
             1 - Show Ethernet UDR ips
             2 - Add Ethernet UDR ips
             3 - Edit Ethernet UDR ips
             4 - Delete Ethernet UDR ips
             b - Back  
    Enter Selection: 2
  13. Select 3 and press ENTER.

    Network Configuration for MGMT - slot1_0.
    [Press CTRL-C to abort and return to the previous screen]
             1 - Show Ethernet UDR ips
             2 - Add Ethernet UDR ips
             3 - Edit Ethernet UDR ips
             4 - Delete Ethernet UDR ips
             b - Back  
    Enter Selection: 3
    Are you setting up ipv6 address? (y/n)
  14. Do the following:
    1. Depending on whether you are configuring this interface for ipv4 or ipv6, enter n or y and press ENTER.
      In this example, n for ipv4.
    2. Enter the IP address for the interface pkt1 and press ENTER.
    3. Enter pce_2 for the new alias and press ENTER.

    4. Enter the original IP address of pkt1 for the New IP address.


      Do not change the original IP address.

    5. Enter the appropriate netmask and press ENTER.

      Network Configuration for MGMT - slot1_0.
      [press CTRL-C to abort and return to the previous screen]
               1 - Show Ethernet UDR ips
               2 - Add Ethernet UDR ips
               3 - Edit Ethernet UDR ips
               4 - Delete Ethernet UDR ips
               b - Back
      Enter Selection: 3
      Are you setting up ipv6 address? (y/n) n
      Edit ipv4 udr ip on pkt1
      Please enter the ip of the udr ip to be edited:
      Please enter the New alias for this udr ip: pce_2
      Please enter the New IP address:
      Please enter the New netmask:
      IP for searching:
      Previous alias: 		pce_2
      Previous IP address:
      Previous netmask:
      New alias:				pce_2
      New IP address:
      New netmask:
      Is this information correct? [y/n]
  15. Enter y if the information is correct and press ENTER.


    If the information you entered is incorrect, enter n and press ENTER. You are prompted to re-enter the information from step 14.

    Is this information correct? [y/n] y 
    Configure Network Interfaces
    [Press CTRL-C to abort and return to the previous screen]
    Networking will need to be restarted on MGMT - slot_0 for changes to be activated.
    Press <enter> to continue.
  16. Press ENTER.
  17. Enter b - Back twice and press ENTER after each time you selected b - Back.

    Network Configuration for MGMT - slot1_0.
    [Press CTRL-C to abort and return to the previous screen]
             1 - Ethernet port (pkt0)
             2 - Ethernet port (pkt1)
             3 - Ethernet port (pkt2)
             4 - Ethernet port (pkt3)
             5 - Ethernet port (imf0)
             6 - Ethernet port (imf1)
             b - Back
    Enter Selection: b
    Would you like to restart networking so that the changes that were made could be activated? (y/n)
  18. Enter y to restart the network.

    Would you like to restart networking so that the changes that were made could be activated? (y/n) y
    Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)...
    Stopping Cluster (corosync)...
    Starting Cluster...
    Running firewall script:
    Slot 1 Setting up firewall for mgt0 (
    Slot 1 Setting up firewall for pkt0 (
    Slot 1 Setting up firewall for pkt1 (
    Slot 1 Setting up firewall for Management (1091.0.226)
    Performing update of 'target-role' on 'dscvmTrapFilter-master', the parent of 'dscvmTrapFilter'
    Set 'dscvmTrapFilter-master' option: id=dscvmTrapFilter-master-meta_attributes-target-role name=target-role=stopped
    Set 'dscvmTrapFilter' option: id=dscvmTrapFilter-instance_attributes-enable name=enable=1
    Perforing update of 'target-role' on 'dscvmTrapFilter-master', the parent of 'dscvmTrapFilter'
    Set 'dscvmTrapFilter-master' option: id=dscvmTrapFilter-master-meta_attributes-target-role name=target-role=master
    [ OK ]
    Slot 1 Setting up firewall for mgt0 (
    Slot 1 Setting up firewall for pkt0 (
    Slot 1 Setting up firewall for pkt1 (
    Slot 1 Setting up firewall for Management (
    Performing update of 'target-role' on "dscvmTrapFilter-master', the parent of 'dscvmTrapFilter'
    Set 'dscvmTrapFilter-master' option: id=dscvmTrapFilter-master-meta_attributes-target-role name=target-role=stopped
    Set 'dscvmTrapFilter' option: id=dscvmTrapFilter-instance_attributes-enable name=enable=1
    Performing update of 'target-role' on 'dscvmTrapFilter-master', the parent of 'dscvmTrapFilter'
    Set 'dscvmTrapFilter-master' option: id=dscvmTrapFilter-master-meta_attributes-target-role name=target-role=master
    Press <enter> to continue.
  19. Press ENTER to return to the Main Menu.
  20. Repeat steps 3 to 19 for all Routing and Management VMs and Routing VMs.