Complete the following tasks before you start the software upgrade.


No system configuration changes should be made during an upgrade. If such a change is made, this change is not included in the new software release; therefore, the system may not behave as expected.


Upgrading from more than 2 previous major releases is not supported. For example, the minimum requirement to upgrade to DSC 21.0 is DSC 18.0. 





Execute a complete system backup and store the backed up files on another server or a USB key that is accessible.

Ribbon recommends you make backup copies of system files, including the /shared/stats and /shared/log files, prior to starting the upgrade.

For security, forward the backup files to a safe and secure remote server for later retrieval, if needed. In the event an upgrade fails, the system may not be recoverable without restoring the system backup files.

Typically, these backup files are not required during the upgrade process, but are needed in case of problems that may occur during the upgrade process, or if you decide to abort the software upgrade.


The system OS and configuration files may change between software upgrades.

To ensure that there is enough disk space to perform a complete system backup, remove all existing backup files from each system that is to be upgraded before you perform a complete system backup.

To perform a manual backup, refer to Perform a Manual Backup.

For general information on system backups, refer to the Backup and Restore.


Ensure that the network is provisioned as required.

Verify Network Provisioning


Verify the system status and health before a software upgrade. Performing this task ensures that possible problems occurring during the software upgrade are not caused by a pre-existing condition.

It is recommended that you verify the following:

  • all SS7 links are up
  • all routesets are up and are active
  • all VNodes are active
  • ptisyslog and ptidbglog contain no irregular messages
  • Earlang monitoring on all links
  • GTT configuration
  • PCE configuration
  • MTP L4 connections
  • SCCP connections (if using TCAP)

Verify and Record System Status.