Before and after any major system operation, it is good practice to perform a complete system backup. The backed up files should be forwarded to a remote server or placed on a USB key that is also sent to a secure, remote location. Typically, these backup files are not required, during the upgrade process, but could be necessary in case of problems that may occur during this process or if you decide to abort the software upgrade.

The software upgrade files ensures that

  • the system data files are maintained
  • the system operating system (OS) and configuration files are upgraded with the new OS (if required) and system configuration files as required
  • the system configuration and data files are compatible with the new software load


The system OS and configuration files may change between software upgrades.

To ensure that there is enough disk space to perform a complete system backup, remove all existing backup files from each system that is to be upgraded before you perform a complete system backup.

For more information about system backups, see the Platform Manager Guide, DSC Back Up and Restore.

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