In this section:


On the DSC8000 Platform, each slot is filled with either a MicroTCA Carrier Hub (MCH) or an Advanced Mezzanine Card (AMC).

The following hardware components on this platform run firmware:

  • on each MCH a MicroTCA Carrier Management Controller (MCMC)
  • on each AMC a Module Management Controller (MMC)
  • on each Cooling Unit (Fan Trays) and Power Modules an Enhanced Module Management Controller (EMMC)

During the pre-upgrade checks prior to installing a new DSC software release, the firmware revision of each component is confirmed against the revisions available at the time of the software release. If any firmware is lower than the known revisions, a warning message is produced by the pre-upgrade check along with a recommendation to update the firmware.

In the event that an MCMC, MMC or EMMC firmware update is recommended, execute the following procedure to update the firmware on these hardware components.

Determine if MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware Update is Required

Follow the procedure in this section to determine if any MCMC/MMC/EMMC firmwares are out of date.


  1. Log in to the active Management CPU as root.
  2. Execute the following command.

    smb_cmd fwver all



    Make a note of all slots where an update is recommended and the card type that reside in these slots.

    In the following example, the following slots should be updated:

    • Slot-6:AMC348

    • Slot-15:AMC671

    • Slot-27:AMC124

    • Slot-28:AMC671

    • Slot-15:CU2 

    This example will be referenced in the remainder of this guide to illustrate the firmware upgrade process.

    Example showing all Firmware Versions
    # smb_cmd fwver all
    Slot  1:AMC671 MMC Version is: 1.26...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot  2:AMC124 MMC Version is: 1.22...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot  3:AMC124 MMC Version is: 1.22...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot  6:AMC348 MMC Version is: 1.08...Update to 1.09 is recommended.
    Slot  7:AMC348 MMC Version is: 1.09...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot  8:AMC348 MMC Version is: 1.09...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot 12:AMC124 MMC Version is: 1.22...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot 13:AMC124 MMC Version is: 1.22...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot 14:AMC671 MMC Version is: 1.26...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot  1:CU1    MMC Version is: 1.10...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot  1:CU2    MMC Version is: 1.10...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot  1:PM1    MMC Version is: 1.22...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot  1:PM2    MMC Version is: 1.24...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot  1:PM4    MMC Version is: 1.24...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot 15:AMC671 MMC Version is: 1.22...Update to 1.26 is recommended.
    Slot 16:AMC124 MMC Version is: 1.22...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot 18:AMC348 MMC Version is: 1.09...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot 19:AMC348 MMC Version is: 1.09...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot 24:AMC348 MMC Version is: 1.09...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot 25:AMC348 MMC Version is: 1.09...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot 27:AMC124 MMC Version is: 1.1a...Update to 1.22 is recommended.
    Slot 28:AMC671 MMC Version is: 1.22...Update to 1.26 is recommended.
    Slot 15:CU1    MMC Version is: 1.10...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot 15:CU2    MMC Version is: 1.00...Update to 1.10 is recommended.
    Slot 15:PM1    MMC Version is: 1.24...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot 15:PM2    MMC Version is: 1.24...Firmware is up-to-date.
    Slot 15:PM4    MMC Version is: 1.24...Firmware is up-to-date.

    You may want to consult the file /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/firmware/firmware.log for a description of the changes to each firmware between each revision.

Map Logical Slot Number to the MCH/AMC Site Number

Follow the procedure in this section to translate an AMC or MCH chassis site number to/from a logical slot number.

Each chassis houses 14 slots; (2) MCH slots and (12) AMC slots. The AMC slots can host either an AMC124 CPU card or an AMC348 I/O card. Each chassis also includes up to four Power Modules (PMs) and two Cooling Units (CUs). The slot numbers of the MCH cards and AMC cards installed in a DSC 8000 multi-shelf system are listed in the following table:

DSC 8000 Chassis








Control ShelfSlot 1Slot 2Slot 3Slot 4Slot 5Slot 6Slot 7Slot 8Slot 9Slot 10Slot 11Slot 12Slot 13Slot 14
Expansion Shelf 1Slot 15Slot 16Slot 17Slot 18Slot 19Slot 20Slot 21Slot 22Slot 23Slot 24Slot 25Slot 26Slot 27Slot 28
Expansion Shelf 2Slot 29Slot 30Slot 31Slot 32Slot 33Slot 34Slot 35Slot 36Slot 37Slot 38Slot 39Slot 40Slot 41Slot 42
Expansion Shelf 3Slot 43Slot 44Slot 45Slot 46Slot 47Slot 48Slot 49Slot 50Slot 51Slot 52Slot 53Slot 54Slot 55Slot 56

Within each chassis (or shelf), the Active MCH is aware of the components within that one chassis only. The names of the components within each chassis are relative to that chassis. For example, the Active MCH in each chassis is aware of the following physical components; amc1-amc12, cu1, cu2, mcmc1, mcmc2, pm1-pm4 which have firmware - as well as logical components; cm and telco which do not have their own firmware.

The components mcmc1 and mcmc2 are always associated with MCH1 and MCH2 respectively, and their firmwares can only be updated when their associated MCH is Active. All other firmwares can be updated by whichever MCH is Active.

The CU and PM components are owned by the MCH cards. These components are always numbered cu1-cu2 and pm1-pm4 and are shown as being associated with the first slot of the chassis.

The AMC site number of a card within a shelf can be determined by subtracting the logical slot number of MCH1 in that shelf from the logical slot number of the card. For example, Slot 2 is amc1 in the Control shelf (2-1); Slot 33 is amc4 in Expansion shelf 2 (33-29), and so on.

The logical slot number of a CPU or I/O card can be determined by multiplying the shelf number (use 0 for the Control shelf) by 14 and adding one plus the AMC site number. For example, amc3 in Expansion shelf 1 is slot 18 (1*14+3+1). 

The logical slot number of an MCH card can be determined by multiplying the shelf number (use 0 for the Control shelf) by 14 and adding one for MCH1 or by adding 14 for MCH2. For example, MCH1 in Expansion shelf 1 is slot 15 (1*14+1). MCH2 in Expansion shelf 2 is slot 42 (2*14+14).

Connecting to the Active MCH in each Chassis

Chassis management, including firmware updates, is controlled by the AMC671 MicroTCA Carrier Hub (MCH) card located in the first and last card slot of each chassis. There are two MCH cards in each chassis to support redundancy. At any time, one of these cards is Active and the other card is Backup.

To update the firmware on a component, you must connect to the Active MCH in the chassis where the component resides. To identify the Active MCH, you first connect to MCH1 and check its status with a CLI command. If it is not the Active MCH, then connect to MCH2 in that chassis. 

The internal hostnames of the MCH cards installed in a DSC 8000 multi-shelf system are listed in the following table.

DSC 8000 MCH Card Hostnames

DSC 8000 Chassis




Expansion shelf 1ism_2ism_3
Expansion shelf 2ism_4ism_5
Expansion shelf 3ism_6ism_7

Based on which components need firmware updates, you will need to identify the Active MCH in the shelves where those component are located. For the example shown in Example showing all Firmware Versions, there are components in the Control shelf as well as Expansion shelf 1 that need updates. The Active MCH must be identified in each of these shelves.

As you perform the following steps, make a note of which MCH is Active for each shelf that contains the card(s) to be updated. This information will be used during the actual upgrade procedure (see Procedure to Update the MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware).


  1. Log in to the active Management CPU as root.

  2. SSH from the Management CPU to MCH1 in this chassis (for example, ism_0) as admin with the password, password.

    # ssh admin@ism_0
    admin@ism_0's password:password
    PTI CLI Starting...
  3.  Check the status of the MCH1 card.

    # pm shmstatus
    Example of command output for the Backup MCH
    SHM Status is BACKUP
  4.  Exit the MCH card if this card is not Active.

    # exit
  5.  SSH to MCH2 in this chassis (for example, ism_1) as admin with the password, password.

  6. Check the status of the MCH2 card.

    # ssh admin@ism_1
    admin@ism_0's password:password
    PTI CLI Starting...
    # pm shmstatus
    Example of command output for the Active MCH
    SHM Status is ACTIVE
  7. Exit the MCH card after noting which MCH is Active.

    # exit

Push the Firmware Image File(s)

Follow the procedure in this section to push the necessary MCMC/MMC/EMMC firmware image files to the Active MCH cards in each affected shelf.

The firmware image files needed to perform the update are located on the Management CPU cards as described in the following table, where M.NN is the revision of the firmware contained in the image file.

DSC 8000 Firmware Image Locations


Image Location



  1. Log in to the active Management CPU as root.

  2. Transfer the necessary firmware image file(s) to each Active MCH card in the system as the user, admin with password, password using SCP. 


In the example shown in Example showing all Firmware Versions, it has been determined that the Control shelf needs an update to the AMC348 in slot 6. In addition, Expansion shelf 1 needs an update to the AMC671 in slot 15, the AMC671 in slot 28, the AMC124 in slot 27 and CU2. For the location of the cooling units, refer to Cooling Architecture.

Assume that ism_1 (slot 14) is the Active MCH in the Control shelf, and that ism_2 (slot 15) is the Active MCH in Expansion shelf 1. This means that you should push the AMC348 image to ism_1 and the AMC671, AMC124, and CU images to ism_2.

Since the AMC671 can only be updated from the Active MCH, you will need to make the MCH in slot 28 be Active before you can update it, so you should also push the AMC671 image to ism_3 (slot 28).

Example for a system with updates required on 2 shelves.
# scp /opt/io_ss7gw/current/firmware/amc348_1.09.img admin@ism_1:/tmp 

# scp /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/firmware/amc124_1.22.img admin@ism_2:/tmp

# scp /opt/switch_ss7gw/current/firmware/cu_1.10.img admin@ism_2:/tmp

# scp /opt/switch_ss7gw/current/firmware/amc671_1.26.img admin@ism_2:/tmp

# scp /opt/switch_ss7gw/current/firmware/amc671_1.26.img admin@ism_3:/tmp

Potential Errors

As you perform the firmware update in the next section, a common error that can occur is to perform the firmware update from the inactive (Backup) MCH card.

Attempting to perform a firmware update on the backup MCH (inactive) card results in the following error:

MCH Not Active
# pm update amc5 /tmp/amc348_1.09.img

	Must be ACTIVE SHM to execute this command

If you see this error, connect to the other MCH in that shelf and perform the update(s).

Another possible error can occur if you are updating MCMC firmware from the other MCH. In this case, you will see the following error:

Error Updating MCMC from Wrong MCH
# pm update mcmc1 /tmp/mcmc_1.26.img
PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.2:
Validating firmware image integrity...OK
Performing preparation stage...
Services may be affected during upgrade. Do you wish to continue? y/n y
Performing upgrade stage:
|ID | Name      |    Versions   |           Upload Progress   | Upload| Image |
|   |           | Active|Backup | File  |0%       50%     100%| Time  | Size  |
|*0 |P1AFS-MCMC | 1.16  |  1.10 | 1.22  ||...................|| 07.52 | 40b4c |
Error initiating upgrade action, compcode = d5 
Firmware upgrade procedure failed

If you see this error, you may be connected to MCH2 and trying to update mcmc1. You may only update mcmc1 from MCH1 and you may only update mcmc2 from MCH2. You should force a switchover as described in AMC671 MCMC Firmware Update Process and retry the update from the MCH where the MCMC is located.

Procedure to Update the MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware

  The procedure in this section provides steps to update the MCMC/MMC/EMMC firmware on each affected card.


Perform the steps in this procedure for all cards requiring a firmware update. Update MCMC firmwares last as these will cause a switchover between the Active and Backup MCH card.


The activities in this process may affect service. They should only be performed in a Maintenance window to prevent unexpected outages.

This section provides the following information.

AMC124 MMC Firmware Update Process

This is the procedure for updating the MMC Firmware on an AMC124 in a DSC 8000 system. This procedure is the same regardless of the CPU card type - it is for Management, Routing, and Application CPUs. Some AMC124 cards cannot be updated in the field. Make sure that the result of the procedure in  Determine if MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware Upgrade is Needed has indicated that firmware update for the slot is recommended. If the result of that procedure indicated that firmware update for the slot is not supported, then do not update that slot and contact Customer Support.


  1. Identify the AMC124 slot numbers that need to be updated as described in Determine if MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware Upgrade is Needed.
  2. Determine which shelf or shelves and which AMC site(s) are associated with each affected slot as described in Map Logical Slot Number to MCH/AMC Site Number.
  3. Identify the Active MCH for each shelf where the affected AMC124 cards reside as described in Connecting to the Active MCH in each Chassis
  4. Push the amc124_M.NN.img file to the Active MCH card(s) as detailed in  Push the Firmware Image File(s).

    Perform the remaining steps for each affected AMC124.

  5. Connect to the Active MCH for the shelf where the affected AMC124 resides as described in Connecting to the Active MCH in each Chassis.
  6. Verify the AMC site ID of the target AMC124, substituting the AMC site number for the target board in place of <target> in the following command and checking that the Board Product field shows AMC124. 

    Verify the AMC124 Site ID
    # pm fru <target>
     Board Mfg Date        : Mon Feb 10 20:08:00 2014
     Board Mfg             : Performance Technologies
     Board Product         : AMC124
     Board Serial          : 587325
     Board Part Number     : 120Q172750
     Product Manufacturer  : Performance Technologies
     Product Name          : AMC124
     Product Part Number   : PT-Q0CP124-30974
     Product Version       : 50
     Product Serial        : 587325
     Product Asset Tag     :
  7. Verify that the current Firmware Revision of the target AMC124 matches the version shown from Determine if MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware Upgrade is Needed.

  8. Substitute the AMC site number for the target board in place of <target> in the following command.

    Verify the AMC124 Firmware Revision
    # pm version <target>
    PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.2:
    -------Target Information-------
    Device Id          : 0x34
    Device Revision    : 0x80
    Product Id         : 0x0015
    Manufacturer Id    : 0x0614 (Performance Technologies, Inc.)
    |ID | Name      |    Versions   |
    |   |           | Active| Backup|
    |*0 |A2F-AMCm F/|  1.1a |127.ff |
    | 1 |A2F-AMCm B/|  1.1a | --.-- |
    | 2 |A2F-AMCm F/|  1.1a | --.-- |
    (*) Component requires Payload Cold Reset

    The firmware version is identified by the value shown under Active Versions for Component ID 0. In this example, the target card is running firmware version 1.1a.

  9. Execute the following command, answering y at the prompt, substituting the AMC Site ID for the target board in place of <target> and replace the filename of the image with the name used in step 4. The following example shows the expected output. This command will take a few minutes to execute (in this case, it took 13.54 minutes):

    Execute the update command
    # pm update <target> /tmp/amc124_1.22.img
    PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.2:
    Validating firmware image integrity...OK
    Performing preparation stage...
    Services may be affected during upgrade. Do you wish to continue? y/n y
    Performing upgrade stage:
    |ID | Name      |    Versions           |    Upload Progress  | Upload| Image |
    |   |           | Active| Backup| File  |0%       50%     100%| Time  | Size  |
    |*0 |A2F-AMCm F/|  1.1a |  1.1a |  1.22 ||...................|| 13.54 | 134f5 |
    (*) Component requires Payload Cold Reset
    Performing activation stage:
    Firmware upgrade procedure successful
  10. Make sure that you see the message Firmware upgrade procedure successful. If you do not see this message, retry the operation. If the failure persists, contact Customer Support.
  11. Repeat steps 6 to 10 for all affected AMC124 slots in this chassis.
  12. Exit back to the Management CPU.

  13. Repeat steps 5 to 12 for all shelves with affected AMC124 cards.

AMC348 MMC Firmware Update Process

This is the procedure for updating the MMC Firmware on an AMC348 in a DSC 8000 system. 


  1. Identify the AMC348 slot numbers that need to be updated as described in Determine if MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware Upgrade is Needed.
  2. Determine which shelf or shelves and which AMC site(s) are associated with each affected slot as described in Map Logical Slot Number to MCH/AMC Site Number.
  3. Identify the Active MCH for each shelf where the affected AMC348 cards reside as described in Connecting to the Active MCH in each Chassis.
  4. Push the amc348_M.NN.img file to the Active MCH card(s) as detailed in Push the Firmware Image File(s).

    Perform the remaining steps for each affected AMC348 I/O card.

  5. Connect to the Active MCH for the shelf where the affected AMC348 resides as described in Connecting to the Active MCH in each Chassis.
  6. Verify the AMC site ID of the target AMC348, substituting the AMC site number for the target board in place of <target> in the following command and checking that the Board Product field shows AMC348. 

    Verify the AMC124 Site ID
    # pm fru <target>
     Board Mfg Date        : Thu Sep 19 09:43:00 2013
     Board Mfg             : Performance Technologies
     Board Product         : AMC348
     Board Serial          : 593546
     Board Part Number     : 301Q101310
     Product Manufacturer  : Performance Technologies
     Product Name          : AMC348
     Product Part Number   : PT-Q0T348-31013
     Product Version       : 10
     Product Serial        : 593546
     Product Asset Tag     :
  7. Verify that the current Firmware Revision of the target AMC348 matches the version shown from Determine if MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware Upgrade is Needed. Substitute the AMC site number for the target board in place of <target> in the following command.

    Verify the AMC348 Firmware Revision
    # pm version <target>
    PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.2:
    -------Target Information-------
    Device Id          : 0x34
    Device Revision    : 0x80
    Product Id         : 0x0015
    Manufacturer Id    : 0x0614 (Performance Technologies, Inc.)
    |ID | Name      |    Versions   |
    |   |           | Active| Backup|
    |*0 |A2F-AMCm F/|  1.08 |  1.00 |
    | 1 |A2F-AMCm B/|  1.1a | --.-- |
    | 2 |A2F-AMCm F/|  1.1a | --.-- |
    (*) Component requires Payload Cold Reset

    The firmware version is identified by the value shown under Active Versions for Component ID 0. In this example, the target card is running firmware version 1.08.

  8. Execute the following command, answering y at the prompt, substituting the AMC Site ID for the target board in place of <target> and replace the filename of the image with the name used in step 4. The following example shows the expected output. This command will take a few minutes to execute (in this case, it took 13.27 minutes):

    Execute the update command
    # pm update <target> /tmp/amc348_1.09.img
    PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.2:
    Validating firmware image integrity...OK
    Performing preparation stage...
    Services may be affected during upgrade. Do you wish to continue? y/n y
    Performing upgrade stage:
    |ID | Name      |    Versions           |    Upload Progress  | Upload| Image |
    |   |           | Active| Backup| File  |0%       50%     100%| Time  | Size  |
    |*0 |A2F-AMCm F/|  1.08 |  1.00 |  1.09 ||...................|| 13.27 | 12cce |
    (*) Component requires Payload Cold Reset
    Performing activation stage:
    Firmware upgrade procedure successful
  9. Make sure that you see the message Firmware upgrade procedure successful. If you do not see this message, retry the operation. If the failure persists, contact Customer Support.
  10. Repeat steps 6 to 9 for all affected AMC348 slots in this chassis.
  11. Exit back to the Management CPU.

  12. Repeat steps 5 to 11 for all shelves with affected AMC348 I/O cards.

MTC6213 (Power Module) EMMC Firmware Update Process     

This is the procedure for updating the PM Firmware in a DSC 8000 system.


This procedure involves deactivating Power Modules for a period of time, and should only be done during a maintenance window.  

Some versions of the Power Module hardware must run older revisions of the firmware and should NOT be updated.


  1. Identify the PM slot numbers that need to be updated as described in Determine if MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware Upgrade is Needed.
  2. Determine which shelf or shelves are associated with each affected PM as described in Map Logical Slot Number to MCH/AMC Site Number.
  3. Identify the Active MCH for each shelf where the affected Power Modules reside as described in Connecting to the Active MCH in each Chassis.
  4. Push the pm_M.NN.img file to the Active MCH card(s) as detailed in Push the Firmware Image File(s).

    Perform the remaining steps for each affected Power Module.

  5. Connect to the Active MCH for the shelf where the affected Power Module resides as described in Connecting to the Active MCH in each Chassis.

  6. Verify that the current Firmware Revision of the target PM matches the version shown from Determine if MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware Upgrade is Needed. Substitute the PM site number  (pm1, pm2, pm3 or pm4) for the target board in place of <target> in the following command.

    Verify the Power Module Firmware Revision
    # pm version <target>
    PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.2:
    -------Target Information-------
    Device Id          : 0x34
    Device Revision    : 0x80
    Product Id         : 0x0013
    Manufacturer Id    : 0x0614 (Performance Technologies, Inc.)
    |ID | Name      |    Versions   |
    |   |           | Active| Backup|
    |*0 |A2F-AMCm F/|  1.22 |127.ff |
    | 1 |A2F-AMCm B/|  1.22 | --.-- |
    | 2 |A2F-AMCm F/|  1.22 | --.-- |
    (*) Component requires Payload Cold Reset

    The firmware version is identified by the value shown under Active Versions for Component ID 0. In this example, the target PM is running firmware version 1.22.

  7. Deactivate the target PM, substituting the PM site number  (pm1, pm2, pm3 or pm4) for the target board in place of <target> in the following command. This action will cause the PM to stop sourcing power, but the other PMs in the system will take over automatically.

    Deactivate the Target PM
    # pm deactivate <target>
  8. Execute the following command, answering y at the prompt, substituting the PM site number  (pm1, pm2, pm3 or pm4) for the target PM in place of <target> and replace the filename of the image with the name used in step 4. The following example shows the expected output. This command will take a few minutes to execute (in this case, it took 15.39 minutes):

    Execute the update command
    # pm update <target> /tmp/pm_1.24.img
    PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.2:
    Validating firmware image integrity...OK
    Performing preparation stage...
    Services may be affected during upgrade. Do you wish to continue? y/n y
    Performing upgrade stage:
    |ID | Name      |    Versions           |    Upload Progress  | Upload| Image |
    |   |           | Active| Backup| File  |0%       50%     100%| Time  | Size  |
    |*0 |A2F-AMCm F/|  1.22 |127.ff |  1.24 ||...................|| 15.39 | 16109 |
    (*) Component requires Payload Cold Reset
    Performing activation stage:
    Firmware upgrade procedure successful
  9. Make sure that you see the message Firmware upgrade procedure successful. If you do not see this message, retry the operation. If the failure persists, contact Customer Support.
  10. Activate the target PM, substituting the PM site number  (pm1, pm2, pm3 or pm4) for the target board in place of <target> in the following command.

    Activate the Target PM
    # pm activate <target>
  11. Repeat steps 6 to 10 for all affected Power Modules in this chassis.
  12. Exit back to the Management CPU.

  13. Repeat steps 5 to 12 for all shelves with affected Power Modules.

Cooling Unit (CU) EMMC Firmware Update Process

This is the procedure for updating the EMMC Firmware on an Altamont (cooling unit or fan tray) in a DSC 8000 system.


  1. Identify the CU slot numbers that need to be updated as described in Determine if MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware Upgrade is Needed.
  2. Determine which shelf or shelves are associated with each affected CU as described in Map Logical Slot Number to MCH/AMC Site Number.
  3. Identify the Active MCH for each shelf where the affected Cooling Units reside as described in Connecting to the Active MCH in each Chassis.
  4. Push the cu_M.NN.img file to the Active MCH card(s) as detailed in Push the Firmware Image File(s).

    Perform the remaining steps for each affected Cooling Unit.

  5. Connect to the Active MCH for the shelf where the affected Cooling Unit resides as described in Connecting to the Active MCH in each Chassis.

  6. Verify that the current Firmware Revision of the target CU matches the version shown from Determine if MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware Upgrade is Needed. Substitute the CU site number  (cu1 or cu2) for the target board in place of <target> in the following command.

    Verify the CU Firmware Revision
    # pm version <target>
    PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.2:
    -------Target Information-------
    Device Id          : 0x34
    Device Revision    : 0x80
    Product Id         : 0x0013
    Manufacturer Id    : 0x0614 (Performance Technologies, Inc.)
    |ID | Name      |    Versions   |
    |   |           | Active| Backup|
    |*0 |A2F-AMCm F/|  1.00 |127.ff |
    | 1 |A2F-AMCm B/|  1.00 | --.-- |
    | 2 |A2F-AMCm F/|  1.00 | --.-- |
    (*) Component requires Payload Cold Reset

    The firmware version is identified by the value shown under Active Versions for Component ID 0. In this example, the target CU is running firmware version 1.00.

  7. Execute the following command, answering y at the prompt, substituting the CU site number (cu1 or cu2) for the target CU in place of <target> and replace the filename of the image with the name used in step 4. The following example shows the expected output. This command will take a few minutes to execute (in this case, it took 11.19 minutes).

    Execute the update command
    # pm update <target> /tmp/cu_1.10.img
    PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.2:
    Validating firmware image integrity...OK
    Performing preparation stage...
    Services may be affected during upgrade. Do you wish to continue? y/n y
    Performing upgrade stage:
    |ID | Name      |    Versions           |    Upload Progress  | Upload| Image |
    |   |           | Active| Backup| File  |0%       50%     100%| Time  | Size  |
    |*0 |A2F-AMCm F/|  1.00 |127.ff |  1.10 ||...................|| 11.19 | 0eae5 |
    (*) Component requires Payload Cold Reset
    Performing activation stage:
    Firmware upgrade procedure successful
  8. Make sure that you see the message Firmware upgrade procedure successful. If you do not see this message, retry the operation. If the failure persists, contact Customer Support.
  9. Repeat steps 6 to 8 for all affected Cooling Units in this chassis.
  10. Exit back to the Management CPU.

  11. Repeat steps 5 to 10 for all shelves with affected Cooling Units.

AMC671 MCMC Firmware Update Process

This is the procedure for updating the MCMC Firmware on the AMC671 MCH slots in a DSC 8000 system.


This procedure will cause the ACTIVE and BACKUP MCH cards to swap roles, and should only be done during a maintenance window.


The components mcmc1 and mcmc2 are always associated with MCH1 and MCH2, respectively. The firmware for mcmc1 and mcmc2 only can be updated when their associated MCH is ACTIVE.


 You can only update the AMC671 MCMC firmware if the given card is ACTIVE.


  1. Identify the AMC671 slot numbers that need to be updated as described in Determine if MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware Upgrade is Needed.
  2. Determine which shelf or shelves are associated with each affected AMC671 as described in Map Logical Slot Number to MCH/AMC Site Number.
  3. Push the amc671_M.NN.img file to the affected AMC671 card(s) as detailed in Push the Firmware Image File(s).
  4. Identify the Active MCH for each shelf where the affected AMC671 cards reside as described in Connecting to the Active MCH in each Chassis.

    Since the AMC671 only can be updated from the Active MCH, you need to make this card ACTIVE before you can update it.

  5. If the Active MCH in a shelf is one of the cards that needs to be updated, then connect to that MCH as described in Connecting to the Active MCH in each Chassis and then proceed to step 7.
  6. If the Active MCH is NOT one of the cards that needs to be updated, then connect to the Backup MCH and force a switchover using the pm switchover command as follows;

    Force a MCH Switchover
    # pm switchover
  7. Verify that the current MCMC Firmware Revision of the target AMC671 matches the version shown from Determine if MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware Upgrade is Needed.

  8. Substitute the MCMC site number  (mcmc1 for MCH1 or mcmc2 for MCH2) for the target board in place of <target> in the following command. If you have just performed a switchover, it may take several minutes for this command to provide the response.

    Verify the MCMC Firmware Revision
    # pm version <target>
    PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.2:
    -------Target Information-------
    Device Id          : 0x34
    Device Revision    : 0x80
    Product Id         : 0x0013
    Manufacturer Id    : 0x0614 (Performance Technologies, Inc.)
    |ID | Name      |    Versions   |
    |   |           | Active| Backup|
    |*0 |P1AFS-MCMC |  1.22 |  1.16 |
    | 1 |P1AFS-MCMC |  1.16 | --.-- |
    | 2 |P1AFS-MCMC |  1.22 | --.-- |
    (*) Component requires Payload Cold Reset

    The firmware version is identified by the value shown under Active Versions for Component ID 0. In this example, the target MCMC is running firmware version 1.22.

  9. Execute the following command, answering y at the prompt, substituting the MCMC site number  (mcmc1 for MCH1 or mcmc2 for MCH2) for the target AMC671 in place of <target> and replace the filename of the image with the name used in step 3. The following example shows the expected output. This command will take a few minutes to execute (in this case, it took 8.51 minutes):

    Execute the update command
    # pm update <target> /tmp/amc671_1.26.img
    PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.2:
    Validating firmware image integrity...OK
    Performing preparation stage...
    Services may be affected during upgrade. Do you wish to continue? y/n y
    Performing upgrade stage:
    |ID | Name      |    Versions           |    Upload Progress  | Upload| Image |
    |   |           | Active| Backup| File  |0%       50%     100%| Time  | Size  |
    |*0 |P1AFS-MCMC |  1.22 |127.ff |  1.26 ||...................|| 08.51 | 40b4c |
    (*) Component requires Payload Cold Reset
    Performing activation stage:
    Firmware upgrade procedure successful
  10. Make sure that you see the message Firmware upgrade procedure successful. If you do not see this message, retry the operation. If the failure persists, contact Customer Support.
  11. Exit back to the Management CPU.

  12. The update process will have caused an automatic switchover between Active and Backup. If the other AMC671-MCH in this shelf needs to be updated as well, then connect to that MCH as described in Connecting to the Active MCH in each Chassis and proceed to step 7.

  13. Repeat steps 5 to 11 for all shelves with affected AMC671-MCH cards.

Restart HWMON

It is possible that a change in MCMC/MMC/EMMC firmware can add or remove Sensors. To make sure that the Hardware Monitor Application is in-sync with the new sensor definitions, the HWMON application should be restarted. This action should be done by forcing a switchover of the Active MCH in all shelves where firmware has been changed, as well as the Control shelf even if no firmware has changed in that shelf. 

When all of the firmwares have been updated, perform the following steps.


  1. SSH from the Management CPU to MCH1 in each Expansion shelf  (eg. ism_2, ism_4, ism_6) as admin with the password, password.

    # ssh admin@ism_2
    admin@ism_0's password:password
    PTI CLI Starting...
  2.  Force a switchover.

    # pm switchover
  3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 for each Expansion shelf.

  4. SSH from the Management CPU to MCH1 in the Control shelf  (ism_0) as admin with the password, password.
  5. Force a switchover.

    # pm switchover
  6. Connect to the Hardware Monitor page in the Web UI, for either slot 2 or slot 13, and wait for the Status to transition to RUNNING. This process may take up to 10 minutes.

Post-Installation Check

Once all of the firmwares have been updated, recheck the status by repeating the procedure in Determine if MCMC/MMC/EMMC Firmware Upgrade is Needed. Ensure that the result shows that all firmware is up to date.

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