SNMP NameptSUAASPSuaAssocHighReceiveUsageOnset

This event indicates that the level of traffic received on an SCTP association has reached the configured high usage onset value.

The high usage onset value is configurable as a percentage of the total association capacity.

The SCTP association capacity is determined by the engineered capacity of the network.

This represents the amount of SUA traffic received from an ASP.

The alarm is automatically cleared when traffic levels fall below the high usage abatement value.

ApplicationSignaling Gateway
ActionSee the following Recommended Action

Recommended Action

If this alarm is raised, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to the Web UI as root.
  2. Locate the Alarm.
    1. Click the major alarm count in the Alarm Dashboard.
    2. Click this alarm number.
    3. Click the date of the occurrence.
      The full details of the alarm are contained within this screen.
  3. Click the associated object.
    This screen details the SUA ASP that has caused the alarm.
  4. Click SG in the Applications menu.
  5. Click SUA.
  6. Click Usage Configuration.
  7. Verify that the high usage onset value is configured correctly as defined in the engineered network capacity rules.

If so, then determine if traffic can be diverted across other routes or if additional SUA ASPs can be added to loadshare the traffic across additional SCTP associations.


The Usage configuration screen displays the configured usage parameters for both the transmitted and received traffic. Also, the parameters configured in the Usage configuration screen are applied to all SUA ASPs.

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