Number 6278
Severity Major
SNMP Name ptSlotSlotBackupSftpUploadFailure
Description A backup to an SFTP destination could not be completed.
Application Slot Monitor
ActionSee the following Recommended Action

Recommended Action

If this alarm is raised, verify that SFTP keys have been exchanged, remote SFTP node state.

  1. Log in to the Web UI as root.
  2. Check that the backup destination is accurate.
    1. From the System Main Menu, click Backups.
    2. Click the Backup Destination tab.
    3. Click Display Details and select the SFTP destination type from the drop-down list.
    4. Ensure that the Backup destination description and Directory information are correct.
  3. Use SSH to access the system as root.
  4. Attempt to use SSH to access the system as the user defined in the backup destination to remote destination (no log in should be required).


    If this action is unsuccessful, the SSH keys may need to be exchanged.

  5. To set up the SSH keys between the AMC121 CPUs and the off-board servers, do the following (this is an example):
    1. Log into the AMC121 on carrier blade 1.
    2. Enter the following at the prompt:

      ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/ <SFTP server userid>@<SFTP server IP
  6. Ensure that the key exchange worked, by logging into the sftp server using SSH as follows:

    ssh <SFTP server userid>@<SFTP server IP address>
  7. If you are prompted for a password, the exchange did not work and troubleshooting is required.

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