DSC Features

The following table list the features applicable to DSC introduced in this release.

FeatureFeature IDFeature Overview Affected Documents
Unable to Determine if ADN Connection is Transport Server or Client Mode HandledDSC-20333This feature incorporates real time status information on the DSC application user interface for Adjacent Diameter Node (ADN) Connections. Live monitoring (Read Only) of the following statuses was added: Mode, Current Transport Type, Primary Path, and Secondary Path.
Enhance ADN / ADN-C Down SNMP Traps With Better Root CausesDSC-20376

The Simple Network Monitoring Protocol (SNMP) traps issued for Adjacent Diameter Node (ADN) and Adjacent Diameter Node Connection (ADN-C) faults are improved to identify the affected item with cause information.

DSC and SP2000 Integration with RAMPDSC-20840

This feature integrates Ribbon Application Management Platform (RAMP) with DSC 8000 and SP2000, adding it as an option as opposed to Insight Element Management System (EMS) or GENView Manager (GVM). In SP2000, Single Trap Stream is available for sending event traps from both management IPs, or only one active management with the shared IP. Also in SP2000, the DSC REST API feature allows RAMP to fetch inventory information. This feature also allows users to configure applications through the use of REST API.

WebUI changes are included in both platforms. In DSC, the Active Traps attribute is hidden. The nomenclature for alarm synchronization in SP2000 when connected to RAMP is Active Trap List, as opposed to SP2000 Event List when connected to GVM.

GWS Search should support GWS Re-entry | Portfix of DSC-21598DSC-21600This feature enhances the GWS search utility by providing a mechanism to search for GWS Re-entry screening results.  No document changes associated to this feature. 
Increase number of DB Defs for GTTDSC-21527

This feature increases the maximum number of DB definitions from 250 to 500. 

No document changes associated to this feature. 
GWS Re-entryDSC-21515
  • This feature enhances GWS screening so that an msu can be returned to previous tables already used in the screening process.  An msu may be processed multiple times repeatedly through the GWS screening tables. When initial screening has completed the DRE or GTT application will return the MSU back to GWS for additional screening. 
  • This feature uses the existing redirect to application ID table in combination with a new redirect option, "Redirect To GWS", to implement this mechanism. 

Note: GWS re-entry is only supported on incoming MSUs. GWS tables used as part of the out going screening do not support re-entry. 

No document changes associated to this feature. 
Add NP, NAI, and SSN to Allowed TTs table in GWSDSC-21514

The Gateway Screening Allowed TT table has been enhanced to include additional attributes for searching. These attributes are NP (Numbering Plan), NAI (Nature of Address Indicator) and SSN (Subsystem Number). 

No document changes associated to this feature. 

SP2000 Features

The following table list the features applicable to SP2000 introduced in this release.

FeatureFeature IDFeature Overview Affected Documents
DSC and SP2000 Integration with RAMPDSC-20840

This feature integrates Ribbon Application Management Platform (RAMP) with DSC 8000 and SP2000, adding it as an option as opposed to Insight Element Management System (EMS) or GENView Manager (GVM). In SP2000, Single Trap Stream is available for sending event traps from both management IPs, or only one active management with the shared IP. Also in SP2000, the DSC REST API feature allows RAMP to fetch inventory information. This feature also allows users to configure applications through the use of REST API.

WebUI changes are included in both platforms. In DSC, the Active Traps attribute is hidden. The nomenclature for alarm synchronization in SP2000 when connected to RAMP is Active Trap List, as opposed to SP2000 Event List when connected to GVM.

vSP2000 on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)DSC-20978

This feature allows vSP2K platforms to be installed on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), where installation and maintenance does not require hardware. Security performance of this feature is similar to on-premise deployments, where Google supports connectivity through a direct connection, partner peering, or Cloud VPN tunnels. Deployment on GCP is supported in different geographical regions, mapping to various data centers that reside in each zone. This feature allows for usage of multiple zones within each region, providing stability in the event of zone failures. 

This feature requires:

  • One internal Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for communication between two vSP2K's.
  • 1 or 2 external VPCs for signaling communications.
  • 1 external VPC for OAM connectivity.
No document changes associated to this feature. 
GWS Search should support GWS Re-entry | Portfix of DSC-21598DSC-21600This feature enhances the GWS search utility by providing a mechanism to search for GWS Re-entry screening results.  No document changes associated to this feature. 
Increase number of DB Defs for GTTDSC-21527

This feature increases the maximum number of DB definitions from 250 to 500. 

No document changes associated to this feature. 
GWS Re-entryDSC-21515
  • This feature enhances GWS screening so that an msu can be returned to previous tables already used in the screening process.  An msu may be processed multiple times repeatedly through the GWS screening tables. When initial screening has completed the DRE or GTT application will return the MSU back to GWS for additional screening. 
  • This feature uses the existing redirect to application ID table in combination with a new redirect option, "Redirect To GWS", to implement this mechanism. 

Note: GWS re-entry is only supported on incoming MSUs. GWS tables used as part of the out going screening do not support re-entry. 

No document changes associated to this feature. 
Add NP, NAI, and SSN to Allowed TTs table in GWSDSC-21514

The Gateway Screening Allowed TT table has been enhanced to include additional attributes for searching. These attributes are NP (Numbering Plan), NAI (Nature of Address Indicator) and SSN (Subsystem Number). 

No document changes associated to this feature. 

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