The following table list the features introduced in this release.

FeatureFeature IDFeature OverviewAffected Documents
DSC Integration with Ribbon VNFMDSC-14557

This feature ensures DSC SWe (on OpenStack) deployment, orchestration and lifecycle management using the Ribbon Virtual Network Function Manager (VNFM). The VNFM provides an alternative to Heat templates and Samsung VNFM when deploying the DSC SWe in an OpenStack environment.  

The Ribbon Virtual Network Function Manager (VNFM) is an ETSI standards-aligned virtualized application you can use to orchestrate and manage the lifecycle of distributed DSC deployments in an OpenStack cloud environment.

VNFM processes a VNF Descriptor (VNFD) file to define the main properties and resources required to deploy a VNF. The DSC SWe VNFD file is provided in a Cloud Service Archive (CSAR) package file. The CSAR package provides the possible values for each of product variations and the default values for them. 

Diameter Routing Load Balancing EnhancementsDSC-6336

This feature enhances the DSC Diameter routing by implementing consistent load balancing mechanisms within both the DSC Result Tables and the Server Pools so that they both provide the same algorithms. This feature also supports returning the primary error message to the originator of the request message.

  • DSC Diameter routing is enhanced with consistent load balancing mechanisms within both the DSC Result Tables and the Server Pools. Previously, the Server Pools provided different algorithms from those in the Result Tables. This feature makes the Results Tables and Server Pools consistent as they now provide the same algorithms, Round Robin Weight, Round Robin Cost, Least Loaded, and Hash. The hashing is performed on a user configurable AVP alias.

  • Provide an option to return the original error from the primary routing candidate. The attribute "Return Primary Error" is added to ensure that, during default routing, failure to route to all Server Pool candidates results in the original error message returned by the primary routing candidate being returned to the originator of the request message. 

  • Provide access to Server Pools directly from the routing tables as a Next Table operation. 
    The routing tables that provide this access are:

    • Incoming ADN Routing Table
    • Command Code Routing Table
    • Application ID Routing Table
    • AVP Routing Table via AVP Routing Record
SCCP Must Log at the Error and Raise Alarm when Unexpectedly Discarding MessagesDSC-6864

The DSC is enhanced so that SCCP raises an alarm and generates a log at ERROR level when an incoming or outgoing MSU is unexpectedly discarded for the following configurable entities:

  • SCCP MTP3 NAs [with the exception of an unexpected SI which is handled by the existing sccpNADiscardMSUUnexpectedSI (4212) alarm.]
  • SCCP User Connections

  • SCCP GTT Connections

The alarms display in the dashboard of Web UI and are sent to SNMP. Logging is performed as paced log and hex dump of discarded message. The intent of the alarms and logging is to provide notifications of MSU being discarded so that unexpected problems occurring in the system can be known. 

Unexpectedly MSU discards can occur due to undefined destination, distribution issue, encoding/decoding/converting errors or invalid MSU content.

Use Common OS on DSC 8000


The purpose of this feature is to standardize the OS across all DSC and SP2000 platforms by generating a single, common OS install image, based on CentOS 7.x. While the OS image itself is identical on all products, a minimal subset of differing functionality exists within the image, and is applied at the system initialization as needed on a product-specific basis. Product identification is accomplished by detecting the specific underlying hardware, which differs across the various DSC and SP2000 Platforms.

The DSC 8000 kernel was refreshed with the CentOS 7.x. to bring it in line with other DSC Platforms. There are no hardware changes to the DSC 8000 or alterations to the applications.

Signaling Gateway does not raise MSU Discard alarms (Signaling Gateway to Log and Initiate Alarm in case of Unexpected MSU Discards)DSC-13059

The purpose of this feature is to provide alarms and logging for unexpected MSU discards in the SG application. The alarms display in the dashboard of UI and are sent to SNMP. Logging is performed as paced log and hex dump of discarded message. The intent is that they provide users/engineers with notifications of MSU being discarded so that they can know of unexpected problems occurring in their system.

The Signaling Gateway (SG) must raise an alarm and generate a log at ERROR level when an incoming or outgoing MSU is unexpectedly discarded in the in the SG application. Unexpected MSU discards can occur due to undefined destination, distribution issue, encoding/decoding/converting errors or invalid MSU content.

The intent of the alarms and logging is to provide users/engineers with notifications of MSU discarded so that they can know of unexpected problems occurring in their system.

The alarms display in the Web UI dashboard and are sent to SNMP. Logging is performed as paced log and hex dump of the discarded message.

  • This feature does not affect EMS. The new alarms are forwarded to EMS using the new MIB.
  • Some alarms for SG already exist that support SCCP data discards (7402 SFGUADataDiscardSet and 7403 SFGUADataDiscardClear).
  • CIC UA does not require support for MSU discard
MSU Discards Statistics for SS7 Applications (MTP2, SCCP, GTT, and SG to Update Data Measurements in Case of Unexpected MSU Discards)DSC-16133

The purpose of this feature is to assist in tracking traffic loss by providing data measurements for unexpected and network-based MSU discards.The existing data measurements (statistics) for MSU discards in the Link, Routeset, and System statistic files comply with signaling standards and specifications. However, these measurements do not cover the number of unexpected discarded MSUs and certain network-based discarded MSUs in the SS7 applications. The addition of system-wide statistics through counters for both types of discards on a per-application basis are implemented to assist in tracking traffic loss so that issues in system performance can be identified.

Unexpected MSU discards can occur due to internal DSC congestion between applications or cross slots, invalid MSU content, or timing failure recovery. Network-based MSU discards can occur due to network congestion, destination unavailability, and unsupported or unavailable services.

Data measurements for unexpected and network-based MSU discards are provided for MTP3, SCCP, GTT, and SG as follows:

  • MTP3 unexpected MSU discards
  • MTP3 network-based MSU discards
  • SCCP unexpected MSU discards
  • SCCP network-based MSU discards
  • GTT unexpected MSU discards
  • GTT network-based MSU discards
  • SG unexpected MSU discards
  • SG network-based MSU discards

This feature applies to standard SS7 traffic handling applications. The feature is not supported for custom applications such as INAPWG and NPGW are not supported.

Increase Maximum Number of Routing Table RecordsDSC-16196This feature increases the maximum number of routing table records. Increasing capacity from 10,000 rows to 20,000 rows. This is not user configurable.
GT Called and Calling Searches Multi-Attribute Filter CriteriaDSC-16235

This feature enhances the GT Called and Calling Searches by adding a CSV MSU filter so that users can filter records based on the GTI, NP, TT, NAI, and SSN, in addition to digits. The GT Called Searches and GT Calling Searches Criteria attributes supports a new filter option named CSV MSU Fields, which works in conjunction with their respective Value attribute to allow the user to input a CSV formatted string for all MSU-related fields: Digits, GTI, NP, TT, NAI, and SSN. The DB Def Name attribute also applies to the new criteria option to filter on a per GTT DB Def basis.

Each string in the comma-separated CSV Value attribute consists of a tag equal to a digit-based value (<tag>=<value>).

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