The Watchdog Processes utility allows you to monitor the Ribbon-related software processes. If a Ribbon-related software process crashes, Watchdog restarts this process. If such a process hangs, Watchdog automatically stops and then restarts this process.

The table following lists and describes the various watchdog fields. 

Watchdog Fields Description


Item Description
WID The Watchdog ID uniquely identifies the application instance. If the associated process should be restarted for any reason, this value does not change.
PID Shows the process ID. The system assigns a number every time a process is started. These numbers start at number 1 and are increased by one until 32 768, and then are started again at 1.

Shows the process state. Each status entry has either a + or - symbol associated with it. This symbols indicate whether the process is currently being monitored (+) or is detached (-). Detached processes are not monitored for a heartbeat and are not restarted when they terminate.

Attribute values:

  • D - uninterruptible sleep (usually I/O)
  • R - running or runnable (on run queue)
  • S - interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete)
  • T - stopped, either by a job control signal or because it is traced
  • X - dead (should never be seen)
  • Z - defunct (“zombie” process), terminated but not yet reaped by its parent
RPT Restarts from Process Termination is the number of times the program has died (crashed).
RHT Restarts from Heartbeat Timeout is the number of times the program was killed and restarted by the daemon for not sending a heartbeat within the allotted time (hung).
HTV Shows the Heartbeat Timeout Value for the process.
HTT Current value of the Heartbeat Timeout Timer, or the number of seconds left until the process times out and is restarted automatically.
COM Shows the command line of process.

To view Watchdog processes

  1. From the Main Menu, click Processes.

  2. Click Watchdog Processes.

  3. Using the Watchdog Process Details on drop-down list, select the card that you want to obtain watchdog information about.

  4. Click Update.



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