The GWS Search Utility (see the following screen capture) determines the screening or redirection result based on MSU data that the user provides. This data creates a simulated MSU, which is processed with the same code path as a real MSU. The simulated traversal of an MSU through the various GWST tables assists with

  • validating the GWST setup that concerns the handling of an MSU with specific fields.
  • diagnosing a screening error through the GWST tables of a previously mishandled MSU.

GWS Search Utility Screen

The GWS Search Utility provides the following result information, which is determined by screening the provided MSU attributes:  

  • Diagnostic Message
  • Result (STOP, FAIL, IGNORE, Redirection Table Name - EPR, Post-GTT Table Name - EPR)

The Screening Step Result object updates after each search is performed in the GWS Search Utility, and displays the output and screening step results from the search. The Screening Step Result includes the following summary attributes, which show the path the MSU traverses through the GWST tables:

  • Sequence Number
  • Table Name
  • EPR
  • Screening Test Mode
  • MSU Tracing

The service indicator (SI) of the MSU message determines the maximum number of Screening Step Result objects.

The Redirection Result object is created for each redirect to an App ID or PC record, which are selected according to the redirection table and the EPR defined in the Result attribute. The Redirection Result displays the output results and redirection records from the search. If the Result attribute is set to a redirection table (App ID or PC), the Redirection Result includes the following summary attributes:

  • Sequence Number
  • Redirection Value (Application ID or PC based on the table type)
  • Cost
  • Redirection Option
  • Loadshare Option
  • Error Handling


The maximum number of Redirection Result objects depends on the maximum number of redirection records in an EPR.

To use the GWS Search Utility

  1. From the Main Menu, click GWS and MSU Tracing.
  2. Click GWST Tables.
  3. Click GWS Search Utility. 
  4. Configure the attributes as required.


    The GWS Search Utility attributes accept distinct values (not wildcards) that are validated based on the SS7 standard for each field.

  5. Click Continue.


    Click Clear Search Criteria to reset the GWS Search Utility attributes and clear the Screening Step Result and Redirection Result objects.