Follow the procedure in this section to upload the new software from your PC to the SP2000.


  • You must take a system backup and store it in the local directory before uploading the new software. For backup procedures, refer to Back Up the System Before the Software Upgrade.
  • You have downloaded the new software load from the Ribbon Global Software Center. 

Upload the software package from your PC to the SP2000


  1. Secure FTP to the SP2000 Management CPU in slot 14.

    sftp root@<ip address of the SP2K, slot 14> 
  2. When prompted, enter the root password.

    root@<ip address of SP2K, slot 14>'s password:
  3. Go to the /var/log/ directory.

    sftp> cd /var/log/
  4. Upload the software package <> from your PC to the SP2000 using the following command. 

    sftp> put <filename>

    An example for the filename is This file is the load file.

    sftp> put
    Uploading to /var/log/
  5. Exit the window.

    sftp> exit

Verify the uploaded files


  1. Log onto the SP2000 Management CPU in slot 14.

  2. Change the file permissions.

    chmod u+x /var/log/
  3. Check the file integrity using the MD5 checksum by comparing the output to the one that was given with the file download.  

    md5sum /var/log/
    31beeaf9d9ad994709f1f489790e4d16 /var/log/