Installation of the required Services and Service Handlers is provided by Ribbon professional services during initial SDA deployment and is based on the SDA licensing agreement.

A Service Handler invokes a Service, interprets the events coming from applied Services, and maps the information provided by applied Services into the protocol realized by the Service Handler. The Service Handlers that are available for installation are listed under the Service Handler node in the SDA System Manager.

The SDA licensing enables a Service Handler on SDA. Installing a Service Handler in the Service Handler node from the SDA System Manager GUI is not supported. 

To view available Service Handlers

  1. Click the Install tab.

  2.  Double-click the Service Handler node to list the available Service Handlers.

    Select the required Service Handler in the left pane to view the Service Handler and the corresponding database tables.

    When a Service Handler is installed, the Service Handler is disabled in the Service Handler node.


The right pane in the System Manager window displays the Mandatory Service Handler Database Tables panel. For example, if you select the IS41 NPREQ Service Handler, the Mandatory IS41 NPREQ Database Tables panel is then displayed in the right pane. See the following figure.

SDA Installation, Service Handler

The Mandatory Service Handler Database Tables panel displays the following:

  • Minimum Size - the minimum size of the database table.
  • Maximum Size - the maximum size of the database table.
  • Default Size - the predefined size of the database table.
  • Current Size - the current size of the database table. The current size cannot be modified for the service handlers.
  • Status - the status while installing the service handler. When the installation starts, the Status column displays Configured, Installing, and Installed based on the status.


Increasing the size of the database tables is permitted for most Service Handlers and is controlled by SDA licensing; however, reducing the table size is not supported.


Increasing the table size beyond the limit defined by SDA licensing requires a restart of all processes running on System Manager and DSS cards, which impacts network traffic.


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