The Enhanced Point Code Emulator (PCE) can be used to migrate ISUP and TCAP traffic from an existing switch to a new C20 switch both using the same local point code.

The Enhanced PCE isolates the existing switch and the new C20 switch into two distinct private networks, while all the remaining switches make up the public network (see the following figure). To enable traffic between the networks, the following objects must be created:

  • VNodes (VPCs) in MTP3
  • Private Nodes, Public Nodes, and one PCE Gateway in PCE

Trunk Mappings in PCE Signaling Platform 2000 Configuration Example


For ISUP traffic, Trunk Mapping records are created in PCE detailing which Public Node, Private Node, Public Gateway and CIC range are correlated. As migration occurs from the existing switch to the new C20 switch, the Private Nodes are updated in the Trunk Mapping records to migrate the trunks to this new switch.

For TCAP traffic, PCE keeps information on each TCAP transactions such as Transaction ID (TID), Called and Calling Party Address (PA) PCs, OPC and DPC for unique transaction handling between the networks.

For incoming private network initiated TCAP queries, PCE does the following:

  • creates transaction record
  • changes the TID to a unique value
  • sends the message to the appropriate Public Node as per the DPC

For incoming public network initiated TCAP queries, PCE does the following:

  • creates transaction record
  • changes the TID to a unique value
  • sends the message to GTT
  • sends the message to the appropriate Private Node as per the GTT Point Code List result
  • if no GT search is found, broadcasting the query to all Private Nodes can be used. The query is sent to all switches in both Private Networks. PCE processes the first positive response it receives.

When a response is received, the message is routed to the appropriate node based on the transaction record.

For more information about PCE, refer to the appropriate section in the SS7 Applications Guide 2.

PCE SP2000 Configuration Example

This section includes the basic guidelines to configure PCE for a SP2000 deployment. For such a deployment, consider the following:

  • PCE has one Public Gateway. This is the point code to which the Public Nodes send messages. This point code is always the local point code of NA 1 which is the same PC as the existing switch and new C20 switch.
  • In MTP3, there must be one VNode (VPC) created on each private network space (NA 2 and NA 3) for every Public Node in PCE.
  • A Public Node in PCE must be created for every public switch sending messages to and from the C20 switch.
  • A Private Node in PCE must be created for both the existing and new C20 switches.


 Adding a new PCE license to your system may not automatically enable the VNode Feature on the given system. Execute the steps in the following procedure to ensure that this feature is, in fact, set to ENABLED. Otherwise, PCE may not function on the system as expected.

To ensure that the VNode Feature is set to ENABLED on a system with a new PCE license

  1. From the Main Menu, click MTP3.

  2. Click the required NA.

  3. Click STP Configuration.
  4. Make sure that the VNode Feature is set to ENABLED.
    The Trunk Mappings in PCE SP2000 Configuration illustration shows a network with four nodes in the public network and one node in each the private network. The nodes in the private networks have the same point code.

MTP3 Configuration

  • On NA 1 (the public network):
    • Linkset/Routeset to 4.4.4
    • Linkset/Routeset to 5.5.5
    • Routeset to 2.2.2 with route to 4.4.4 and 5.5.5.
    • Routeset to 3.3.3 with route to 5.5.5 and 4.4.4.
  • On NA 2 (the first private network):
    • Linkset/Routeset to existing switch 1.1.1
    • VNode for 2.2.2 (this will be a Public Node in PCE)
    • VNode for 3.3.3 (this will be a Public Node in PCE)
    • VNode for 4.4.4 (this will be a Public Node in PCE)
    • VNode for 5.5.5 (this will be a Public Node in PCE)
  • On NA 3 (the second private network):
    • Linkset/Routeset to NA 5 1.1.1
    • VNode for 2.2.2 (this will be a Public Node in PCE)
    • VNode for 3.3.3 (this will be a Public Node in PCE)
    • VNode for 4.4.4 (this will be a Public Node in PCE)
    • VNode for 5.5.5 (this will be a Public Node in PCE)

A separate Network Appearance (NA) in MTP3 must be used to connect the new C20 switch. This can be any NA, in this example, it is NA 5.

  • On NA 5 (required for the C20)
    • Linkset/Routeset to NA 3 1.1.3
    • Routesets to each Public Node (2.2.2, 3.3.3, 4.4.4, 5.5.5) with route to NA 3 1.1.3.

SG M3UA Configuration (required for the C20)

  • SG MTP3 NA 5
  • Configured ASP, AS, and so on

SCCP Configuration on NA 1, 2, and 3 (required for TCAP)

In the SCCP Routing Override Configuration screen, the following parameters must be set:

  • MTP Incoming must be set to SEND TO GT
  • MTP Incoming GT AI must be set to DISABLED
  • MTP Incoming GT Zero Length must be set to ENABLED.
  • GTT Incoming CLG PC must be set to DISABLED

SCCP Configuration on NA 1 only (required for TCAP)

  • LPC Registration must be set to DISABLED

GTT Configuration (required for TCAP)

  • GT Searches
  • PC Lists

PCE Configuration

  • One Public Gateway identifying 1.1.1
  • Four Public Nodes identifying 2.2.2, 3.3.3, 4.4.4, and 5.5.5
  • Two Private Nodes identifying 1.1.1 (one for each private NA)

PCE ISUP-specific Configuration

Trunk Mapping records indicating Public Node, Private Node, Public Gateway and CIC ranges.

PCE TCAP-specific Configuration

If broadcasting public-initiated queries to all Private\ Nodes is required, the Broadcast to Private option must be enabled.

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