You can use the automated options to backup your system configuration files on a specific day(s) at a specific time, or every day at a specific time.

The following table lists and describes the attributes on the Create Automated Backup screen.

Create Automated Backup Screen Attribute Listing and Description


Indicates the day of the back up. Available options are:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Everyday
Time (Hour:Min)Indicates the time of the back up.
Complete Configuration BackupSelecting this option backs up all the configuration files in your system.
Application Configuration BackupSelecting this option backs up the SS7 related data.
System Configuration BackupSelecting this option, backs up the IP and operating system related data.
Destination DefinitionsSelect one of the destination definitions you have configured.
Backup NotesType any additional comments regarding the backup as required. You are limited to enter 255 characters.



  1. From the Main Menu, click Backups.
  2. Click Create Automated Backup.

  3. Using the Day drop-down list, select the day of the backup.
  4. Using the Hour and Minute drop-down lists, select the hour and minute of the backup.
  5. Click the radio button under Fileset Definitions to indicate which configuration files you want to back up.
  6. Click the radio button under the Destination Definitions heading to select the backup destination.
  7. Type any notes regarding the backup as required in the Backup Notes text box, and then click Continue. You are prompted to confirm the automated backup configuration.
  8. Click Continue.


     To delete an automated backup, click Delete in the same line as the automated backup you want to delete.


    If a backup is scheduled, for example, on Monday 13:00, then you cannot schedule another backup for either Monday 13:00 or everyday 13:00 due to scheduling overlap.

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