In this section:


The DSC Platform issues SNMP traps to alert SNMP Managers of device conditions. This platform allows you to manipulate SNMP traps by using the following actions:

  • to receive traps, you must set the Trap Hosts destinations within the DSC Platform. Trap Hosts are IP address destinations for the SNMP traps. The DSC Platform permit up to four Trap Hosts.
  • to create or delete a Trap Host, refer to Create or Delete a Trap Host

As shown in the following figure, DSC Platforms store a configurable number of the most recent outgoing SNMP traps in a dedicated container (SNMP Trap Log). For information about configuring trap logs, refer to Configure the Trap Log.

Trap Log Information

View SNMP Traps

  1. From the Main Manu, click SNMP.
  2. Click Trap Log.
  3. Click the required trap.

Receive Traps

To receive traps, you must set the trap hosts or SNMP Manager destinations within the DSC Platforms. Trap hosts are IP address destinations for the SNMP traps. Up to four Trap Hosts are permitted.

Decode Traps

Each trap has the same base format and a list of variables to help find the Object and diagnose the problem. If the Ribbon MIB is compiled in your Trap receiver, reading the received traps is easier as they are more readable.

The following tables provide information for decoding traps:

  Trap Variables
Source -

IP address of the trap generator.

Traps sent to an IPv6 destination have a 0-filled Source IP Address parameter. The parameter length is fixed and can only fit IPv4 addresses.

Timestamp -
Enterprise .
This is the Ribbon OID.
SNMP Version 1
Ribbon only supports SNMP Version 1 traps.
Trap Number #### This number defines the trap. The MIB file contains all trap numbers and their definitions.
Generic enterpriseSpecific A variable to specify that this trap has been defined by an enterprise.
Variable Bindings (within all Ribbon's traps)
. Trap Type for details.

Severity is used in the reporting of traps. When a trap is issued it has an associated severity.

Values are: critical(1), major(2), minor(3), warning(4), and cleared(5).

. trap sequence number. The trap sequence number should be maintained across system resets
. Probable Cause for details.
. Clear type of the trap, which is either FMIC or OIC, where FMIC means that the trap is cleared by another clear trap, and OIC means that the trap needs to be cleared by the operator.
. and time when the trap is raised.
. associated object OID

Trap Type

Trap Type
undefined (0)
communicationAlarm (2)An alarm of this type is mainly associated with the procedures and/or processes required to convey information from one point to another.
environmentAlarm (3)An alarm of this type is mainly associated with a condition relating to an enclosure in which the equipment resides.
equipmentAlarm (4)An alarm of this type is mainly associated with an equipment fault.
processingAlarm (10)An alarm of this type is mainly associated with a software or processing fault.
qualityOfServiceAlarm (11)An alarm of this type is mainly associated with a degradation in the quality of a service.

Probable Cause

Probable Cause
Communications subsystem error (6)A failure in a subsystem that supports communications over telecommunication links, these may be implemented using leased telephone lines, by X.25 networks, token-ring LAN, or otherwise.
Configuration or customization error (7)A system or device generation or customization attribute has been specified incorrectly, or is inconsistent with the actual configuration.
Loss of signal (29)An error condition in which no data is present on a communications circuit or channel.
Remote node transmission error (42)An error has occurred on a communications channel beyond the adjacent node.
Resource at or near capacity (43)The usage of a resource is at or nearing the maximum allowable capacity.
Storage capacity problem (49)A storage device has very little or no space available to store additional data.
Underlying resource unavailable (56)An entity upon which the reporting object depends has become unavailable.

Clearing Traps

The traps are either cleared by another trap with a different trap number or must be cleared by the operator. There is a variable in the trap (ptTrapClearType) that specifies which option applies.

Item OID

The Item OID varbind in the outgoing DSC traps is given the same representation in the MIB file as the Item OID currently stored in the Trap Log or the EMS Active Trap objects. It is defined as DisplayString type with a maximum length of 255 characters.


Variable bindings (varbinds) can be used to uniquely identify traps with their associated objects in the Web UI. A trap with the correct varbinds helps provide a correlation between raise and clear traps and ensure a user can properly process and address the reported condition.

When upgrading to 17.0.0.R00 or higher, the Trap listeners and EMS should ignore the static Item OID varbind.

After the upgrade is complete, it is recommended users update the EMS trap correlation logic. With the static Item OID varbind, the EMS can

  • navigate and associate a trap to its originating object.
  • correlate between a raise and a clear trap based on a match on this ItemOID.

For information on Object Identifiers (OID), refer to Object Identifier