In this section:

SDA Database Table Components

The Databases tab lists the databases related to the Service Handler and the Services. To access the Databases tab, select CONFIGURATION > SS7 DB Application from the launcher tree and click the Databases tab.

Select the desired database in the left pane of the System Manager window. The following figure shows the Databases tab.

You can also access Service Handler and Service databases from the Service Handlers tab. For more information, see the Service Handler User Guide.

Databases Tab

The Databases tab displays the following:

  • The left pane displays the following:

    • Database node - a list of all the SDA databases on this system, including service handlers, services, and miscellaneous databases. Select a database to show the names of the tables within that database in the left pane and details about those tables in the right pane.

    • Database table node - when you select a database node, the tables within it are listed. Select a table node to show the records within that table and the Search Criteria Panel. The TCAP Automatic Load Monitoring, Event Description table is provided as an example in the following figure.
  •  When a database node is selected, the right pane displays the following (these fields cannot be modified):

    • Table Name - names of all the tables available for the particular database.

    • Active Entries - number of records configured for the corresponding table.

    • Number Of Entries - the maximum number of entries that can be configured for the database table.

Database Table

For information on specific database table fields, see Introduction to the Signaling Database  and the Service Handler User Guide.

By default, the records of the selected database table are displayed in the Browse mode. In the Browse mode, the primary columns are non editable and the non primary columns are editable.

In the Entry edit mode, the user can edit the new entries. Select View > Switch to Browse Edit or click the Switch to Browse Edit icon (alternatively, press the keyboard shortcut <CTRL+B>) to toggle between Switch to Browse Edit and Switch to Entry Edit.

Accessing the SDA Database

You can access the SDA database by performing the following steps:

  1. Select Configuration > SS7 DB Application.

  2. Click on the Databases tab.

    The SDA Databases tab opens

The SDA Databases tab lists all available SDA Service, Service Handler, and miscellaneous (those not directly involved in a Service or Service Handler) databases. See the following figure.

The Called Number Screening database is selected in the example shown in the following figure.

SDA Databases Tab


This section describes the SDA databases that are not directly related to provisioning Services and Service Handlers, but have to do with controlling how the SDA application operates. The following databases are available in the SDA Databases tab:

  • System database (sys_db)
  • SDA database
  • SDA monitor database
  • System Manager database

For information on the Service Handler databases, see the section in the Service Handler User Guide.

For information on Services databases, see the sectoin in the Services User Guide.

System Database (sys_db)

Th System database (sys_db) includes the following tables:

  • tableInfo
    This table declares the tables that are available for use. This table is used during the installation process to include or exclude optional tables and to select the maximum number of entries for user-sizeable tables.

  • shTypes   
    This table lists the valid types of service handler for this system. Any service handler listed in this table can be installed on the system.

  • shTypeAllowedServices
    This table lists the services allowed for each service handler type.

  • services
    This table lists the services that are valid for the current SDA release.

  • TableRestriction
    This table lists all the tables that have user restrictions placed on them. Before a user is allowed to access a table (either for update or viewing), the tableRestriction table is queried using the table name to determine if there are any user restrictions on the table.

  • columnRestriction
    This table declares a table where information on restrictions to column access is stored. List any table that has restrictions placed on specific columns within the table here.
  • schemaTable
    This table declares a table where the schemas that are to be applied when the SDA is brought into service reside. A schema file contains the definition of tablespaces (directory structure), databases, and tables within databases. When the SDA is restored to service, the schema files listed in the schemaTable are applied. This causes the following:

    • creation of directories (if non-existent) or opening of directories (if existent) where information is to be stored
    • creation of tables (if non-existent) or opening of tables (if existent)
    • creation of indexes (if non-existent) or opening of indexes (if existent)
  • failurePolicy
    The failurePolicy table contains one editable field: normalStatePercent. Set this percent between 0 and 100. The percentage in this field is used to determine when SDA is in a Normal or Failed state.

    When the number of processors available to deploy SDA is greater than or equal to the percentage of processors contained in the failurePolicy table column normalStatePercent table, then SDA is in the normal state. When the number of processors available to deploy SDA is less than the percentage of processors contained in the failurePolicy table column normalStatePercent, then SDA is in a failed state.

The following table provides examples of how the normalStatePercent calculation is used to determine the state of SDA. 

NormalStatePercent Sample Calculations

Number of equipped processors


Number of ready processors

SDA state 









































































Flexible Routing Database

The Flexible Routing database (DB) includes the following tables:

  • general

    This table contains the three-digit country code.

  •  installedSHTypes

    This table lists the types of service handler that are currently installed on the system. This is a subset of the list of service handler types defined in the shTypes table of the  System database (sys_db).

  • installedServices

    This table lists the services currently installed on the system. This is a subset of the list of services defined in the services table of the System database (sys_db).

  • serviceHandlers

    This table lists the instances of service handlers that have been created by a user.

  • ttFormat

    This table contains information relating to the nature of the SCCP address for a given translation type. When the SCCP protocol of the incoming signaling message does not support the nature of address parameter, then the format of the address digits is determined based on the translation type parameter. First, the ttFormat table is searched for the incoming TT. If the TT is not found within the ttFormat table, then the format is assumed to be national. If the TT is found within the ttFormat table, then the addressFormat column of the ttFormat table is used to determine the format of the address digits. The possible values for the addressFormat column include National and International.

  • searchType

    This table contains option to enable the wildcard match or exact match to search the subscriber number in SDA database. This is a single entry table; therefore, no index is required.

Flexible Routing Monitor Database

The following tables are included in the Flexible Routing Monitor database (DB):

  • tableUtilization

    This table shows utilization (current entries compared to maximum number of entries) for the database tables in SDA.

  • indexUtilization

    This table shows utilization (current entries compared to maximum number of entries) for the SDA primary and secondary database table indexes.

  • tableAvailability

    This table provides the processor, database name, table name, availability state of the tables on the processors, and the download status (if applicable). The availability states include the following:

    • download in progress (the Download Status field also shows the % complete of download)
    • not Available (this indicates the processor is out of service)
    • Available
  • indexAvailability

    This table provides the processor, database name, table name, index name, availability state of the indexes on the processors, and the download status (if applicable). The availability states include the following:

    • download in progress (the Download Status field also shows the % complete of download)
    • not Available (this indicates the processor is out of service)
    • Available

System Manager Database

The following tables are included in the System Manager database (DB):

  • tableInformation

    This table contains the descriptive names of the SDA databases and tables.

  • columnInformation

    This table contains the descriptive names of the columns and tool tip information for each table in the tableInformation table.

  • refreshInformation

    This table contains the database name, table name, and its refresh rate. GUI gets refreshed automatically based on the refresh rate.

  • linksetNames

    This table contains the names of the link sets provisioned on the Ribbon Signaling System.

  • lognetNames

    This table contains the names of the logical networks provisioned on the Product name short.

  • aliasPointCodeNames

    This table contains the names of the alias point codes provisioned on the Product name short.

  • startupScripts

    This table contains the list of scripts that needs to be executed at the time of installation of SDA database. This table facilitates the installation of miscellaneous databases.

  • backupRestore

    This table contains the list of service and service handler database names, and their corresponding pre-defined backup set names.


  • No labels