File retrieval using the Web UI is an efficient way to access files in the following directories:

  • /var/stats/

  • /var/log/

  • /tmp/

  • /var/core/

  • /mibs

The files in each directory are listed in the Web UI with each file size, type, and modification date. You may view the retrieved files using any text editor such as WordPad, Microsoft Word, and so on.


The data measurements reports (files) are stored in the /var/stats directory. After 7 days these reports are moved to and are stored in the /var/stats/compressed directory. You may obtain these reports using the Retrieve File feature. For detailed information about generating these reports, see the appropriate chapter in the SS7 Application Guide 1.


It is recommended that you use a spreadsheet program to open a data measurement report.

Retrieve a file from the /var/stats/, /var/log/, /tmp/, and /var/log/backups directories

  1. From the Main Menu, click File Retrieval.
  2. Click the required directory.


    At the bottom of the page, the number of files in the respective directory and the directory size (MB) is displayed.

  3. Click the required file.
  4. Save the file as required. A message appears informing you that the file download is completed.
  5. Open the file (if required) using a text editor (in this example, Excel is used).


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