In this section:

The Provisioning Window

SDA provides the Ribbon Signaling System with the capability to independently define and deploy the Service Handlers and Services to achieve specific routing functions within a signaling network.

To access the SDA System Manager provisioning window, select CONFIGURATION > SS7 DB Application from the Launcher Tree. The following figure shows the SDA System Manager provisioning window.


SDA System Manager Provisioning Window

The Databases tab is selected when the Provisioning window opens. See the following figure.


The Provisioning Window Databases tab

The Menu bar

The menu bar in the SDA System Manager provisioning window contains the common application menus: File, Edit, Dock, View, Configure, and Help. The Edit menu contains the Copy and Paste options.

The following table describes the Edit, View, and Configure menus.

SDA System Manger Menu Bar





Mnemonic Key








Undo the last change.



CopyCopy the contents.<CTRL+C><C>

Paste the contents.


Copy Row

Copy the selected row.



Paste Row

Paste the copied details to the selected row.
















Navigate to the first page.

Home icon or <CTRL+M>



Navigate to the previous page.

Previous icon or <CTRL+Shift+Up>



Navigate to the next page.

Next icon or <CTRL+Shift+Down>



Refresh the current values.

Refresh icon or F5


Switch to Entry Edit /Switch to Browse Edit

Toggle between entry and browse modes.

Switch to Browse Edit/Switch
to Entry Edit icon or <CTRL+B>


Report > CSV

Generate a comma separated value format report of the configured parameters.



Report > HTML

Generate an HTML format report of the configured parameters.



View Report

View the generated report.

View Report icon or <CTRL+W>



Cancel the selected operation.

Stop icon or <CTRL+Q>








Install the database tables.



Table Resize mode

Resize the columns of the table. Table Resize mode includes the following operations:

  • Resize off
  • Resize all columns
  • Resize last column
  • Resize next column
  • Resize subsequent column



Create SH Instance

Create a service handler instance or response ID.




Update the values entered in the screen into the database.

Update icon or <CTRL+U>


Clone SH Instance

Clone the Service Handler instance.



Rename SH Instance

Rename a Service Handler instance.




Delete a database record.

Delete icon or <CTRL+Delete>


Save Preferences

Save the order, width of the columns in the tables, page size, and Flip option as your preferences.



Default Preferences

Retrieve the default values, the order, width of the column, page size, and Flip option.



Page Size

Set the page size. It can be saved as user preferences.



Auto Check Edited Records

Refresh time for the records.



Import CSV Format

Load the database file.



FlipFlip right pane to bottom pane for horizontal flip and bottom pane to right pane for vertical flip. It can be saved as user preferences.<CTRL+F> 

The Toolbar

The toolbar in the SDA System Manager window provides the following icons as shown in the following figure:

Provisioning Window toolbar

  • Home - Navigate to the first page.
  • Previous - Navigate to the previous page.
  • Next - Navigate to the next page.
  • Refresh - Refresh the screen with the current details.
  • Switch to Browse Edit/Switch to Entry Edit - Toggle between browse and entry modes.
  • Install - Install the services and service handlers.
  • Update - Update the values entered in the screen into the database.
  • Delete - Delete a database record.
  • Report - Generate the report of the configured parameters.
  • View Report - View the generated report.
  • Stop - Cancel the selected operation.
  • Flip - Flip right pane to bottom pane for horizontal flip and bottom pane to right pane for vertical flip. What you set here can be saved as a user preference.


SDA Provisioning Security

 Provisioning security information on SDA performed using one of the available options outlined below:

  • You can access the SDA provisioning function using either the System Manager GUI or the scripting function if you have functional level security.
  • If you have access to SDA provisioning using the GUI (and the scripting function), you can view SDA information and the associated parameters.
  • If you have control access, the SDA System Manager allows you to provision all SDA databases and Service Handlers, as well as create and/or clone Service Handler instances.

For more information about provisioning procedures, see the Service Handler User Guide and the Service Handler User Guide.

SDA Service Handler Instance Components

The Service Handlers tab lists the various Service Handlers that provide access to the Services installed on SDA.

To access the Service Handlers tab in the System Manager provisioning window, select CONFIGURATION > SS7 DB Application from the launcher tree and select the Service Handlers tab.

Use the Service Handlers tab to view, create, or modify instances of the service handlers. See the following figure.

Service Handlers Tab


The Service Handlers tab displays the following components:

  • The left pane displays the following:
    Service Handler template nodes - list of service handler templates available on your system. Each service handler template node contains any instances that have been created of that service handler and the response identifiers applicable to that service handler. For example, MAP Check IMEI is the Service Handler template node.
    Service Handler instance node - user-created and named instances of service handlers. Each service handler name created is appended with a number in parenthesis. This number indicates the order in which the instances were created. For example, the TP(54) Service Handler instance was the 54th instance of a Service Handler created on the system in the preceding figure (Service Handler Tab). Note that this does not necessarily mean there are currently 54 instances on the system; one or more could have been deleted.

    Response Identifiers node - the response identifier instructs the service handler to perform the next action for a particular event.

    Response Identifier type - type of response identifier. The response identifiers displayed differ for the selected service handler. For more information about Response Identifiers, see the appropriate section in the Service Handler User Guide.

  • The middle pane displays the following:
    Pre-processing - indicates the start of the list of services

    Post-processing - indicates the end of the list of services

  • The right pane displays the following:

    Attributes panel

    Services - the services provided by the Service Handler

    Enabled - check box to enable or disable a service

    You can drag and drop to change the order of the services in the Attributes panel. The same order of services is displayed in the middle pane. Click the check box to enable services in the Attributes panel. The selected services are added and connected in the middle pane.

  • Specific Parameters panel

    The fields displayed in Specific Parameter panel vary depending on the Service Handler selected.

    Connect Name - defines the content of an IN connection control message. Enter an already configured connect in the text box, or double-click the text box to select the Connect from the Referenced column help window, or search the Connect in the search criteria panel in the Referenced column help window. Double-click the text box to display the  Referenced column help window that lists the already configured Connect names.

    Response Routing - select a value for the response routing for the service handler instance from the drop-down list. The possible values are MTP and  SCCP.

    Status - the status of a created or modified record. If a record is created or modified but not committed to the database, the Status column displays Edited or New. If a record is modified and committed successfully to the database, the Status column displays Success. If the modified record is not successfully committed to the database, the Status column displays Failure and the reason for failure is displayed if you move the mouse over the status column. If invalid values are entered, the Status column displays “?” and the reason for “?” is displayed if you move the mouse over the status column.

For more information about provisioning procedures, see the Services User Guide and the Service Handler User Guide.

The Service Panel

The Service Panel provides configuration settings for a selected Service. A service pane provides configuration options unique to each Service.

To access a Service Panel

  1. Select CONFIGURATION > SS7 DB Application from the launcher tree.
  2. Click the Service Handlers tab.
  3. Select the desired Service Handler instance in the left pane.
  4. Enable a Service in the right pane.

For more information about this procedure, see the related section in the Service Handler User Guide.

The SRI_SMS Service Handler is shown as an example in the following figure.

Service Panel


Select the Svc component in the middle pane. The service pane for the selected Service is displayed in the right pane. The fields displayed in the service pane are unique to each Service Handler.

The service pane for Service, TCAPScrnSvc, is provided in the following figure as an example.

Service Pane

A field with a pink key represents the primary key column.

A field with a blue key indicates that the field refers to an entry in another table. Double-click any of the text boxes with a blue key. The  Referenced Column Help window displays the values configured in the referenced table.

 Fields with green text represent a choice group. You can enter a value for only one of these fields.

The fields provided in the service pane vary, depending on the Service Handler and Service you are accessing. Each service pane contains some combination of the fields in the following list:

  • Event Name - name of the mandatory or user-defined event.

  • Analyze Route - refers to the analyze route table.

  • Return Error - refers to the return error table.

  • Continue - refers to the continue table.

  • Disconnect - refers to the disconnect table.

  • NextAction - the next action to be performed. The possible values are Stop and Continue.

  • CdPA - refers to the called party address table.
  • Discard - the signaling message is discarded.

  • Release - refers to the release table.

  • Status - the status of the created or modified event. If a record is created or modified but not committed to the database, the Status column displays Edited and changes to New. If a record is modified and committed successfully to the database, the Status column displays Success. If the modified record is not successfully committed to the database, the Status column displays Failure and the reason for failure is displayed if you move the mouse over the status column. If invalid values are entered, the Status column displays “?” and the reason for “?” is displayed if you move the mouse over the status column.

For more information about provisioning procedures, see the Services User Guide and the Service Handler User Guide.

Referenced Column Help Window

The Referenced Column Help window is available for fields in a table that refer to another table. The blue key in the service pane indicates that a reference to another database table is in progress. Double-click the field to open the Referenced Column Help window to display the previously configured items. Select the value in the Referenced Column Help window to update the field.

Referenced Column Help Window

The Referenced Column Help window displays the following:

  • A panel based on the selected text box in the service panel. For example, if you double-click the Analyze Route text box, the Analyze route panel is displayed.

  • Search criteria panel

The Reference Help Menu Bar

The menu bar for Referenced Column Help window contains the File, Edit, View, and Configure options. The following table lists the menu options.

Referenced Column Help Menu Bar





Mnemonic Key







Page Setup

Set paper size and orientation.




Select number of copies, whether to print to a printer or a file, set banner page title, or enter print command options.




Close the application window.









Copy the contents




Paste the contents











Navigate to the first page.

Home icon or <CTRL+M>



Navigate to the previous page.

Previous icon or <CTRL+Shift+Up>



Navigate to the next page.

Next icon or <CTRL+Shift+Down>



Refresh the current values.

Refresh icon or F5






Page Size

Set the page size. It can be saved as user preferences.



The Referenced Help Toolbar

The toolbar of the  Referenced Column Help window provides the following icons:

  • Home - Navigate to the first page.

  • Previous - Navigate to the previous page.

  • Next - Navigate to the next page.

  • Refresh - Refresh the screen with the current details.


The Search Criteria Panel

Use the Search Criteria panel to search the entries in the databases. The Search Criteria panel is displayed when you view a database table in the Referenced Column Help window. See the following figure.

The Search Criteria Panel

Search Criteria panel includes the following:

  • Parameters - from the drop-down list select the parameter to search the database table. The fields in the database table in the middle pane are displayed as the parameters.

  • C Operators - comparison operators. The comparison operators <, <=, =,<>, >, and >= (less than, less than or equal to, equal to, not equal to, greater than, and greater than or equal to) are displayed.

  • Value - enter a value for the parameter selected and press <RETURN>. The entered values are displayed in the query text box.

  • L Operators - logical operators. The logical operators are AND, OR, and NOT.

  • Query text box - a query string is displayed when you select Parameters, C operators, Value, or L operators. A query string is a combination of expressions. An expression is a combination of a parameter, comparison or logical operator, and the value. You can edit the Query text box.

    The following buttons are displayed below the Query text box:
    • Save - save the query string. Enter a name in the Query name drop-down list to save the query string.

    • Delete - delete the query selected from the Query Name drop-down list.

    • Clear - clear the query string in the query text box.

    • Undo - undo the last change in the query text box.

    • Redo - redo the last change in the query text box.

    • Search - search the records in the database based on the query string.

    • Query Name - name for the query in the query text box. The valid range is 1-30 ASCII characters. A list of previously stored query names are displayed in the drop-down list. You can view, edit, or delete a stored query.

  • No labels