In this section:

The following procedures must be followed to prepare for Instantiating a DSC SWe on Openstack using VNFM. 

Uploading an Image

Refer to the procedure on Upload an Image to Upload the DSC SWe QCOW2 image to cloud storage (Image Service).

The image name will have this format: dsc_swe_<rel>_<nb>. Example: dsc_swe_18_1_0_nb20191108.

Creating a Flavor

To Create a Flavor, refer to Create a Flavor.

The default flavor information defined in the VNFD is:

  1. 5120 MB RAM
  2. 4 vCPUs
  3. 65 GB Root disk

User must create at least this flavor in their Openstack. This is the default flavor. Other flavors can be created. While instantiating DSC VNF, they can re-choose other flavors.

Creating Users

To create a user, refer to Manage Users.

Creating a VNF Tenant

To create a VNF Tenant, refer to Creating a VNFM Tenant in the VNFM Documentation. Refer to the following note for information about this procedure. 


For step 4 of the procedure on Creating a VNFM Tenant, use the following information when filling out the Quota tab:

  • VCPUs: 10
  • Instances: 2
  • RAM: 10240
  • Security Group Rules: 5

All other required fields can be filled out according to the information present in Figure 4 on Creating a VNFM Tenant.

The above quotas are the minimum required resource to deploy a DSC VNF.

Adding and Configuring Clouds and Tenants

To instantiate DSC VNFs, ensure you have installed VNF Manager and prepared it for operation. This includes adding and configuring clouds, tenants, and users for VNFM. 

For information on these procedures, refer to the following VNFM documentation:

For information on Installing VNF Manager, refer to VNFM Documentation