In this section:

Prerequisites for Installing Software

The following are prerequisites for installing SDA software on the DSC 8000 platform:

  • SDA System Manager CPU cards installed in the DSC 8000 chassis are configured as application CPUs

  • SDA Licensing for the System Manager CPU cards is defined.

Before installing or upgrading the SDA software on the DSC 8000, it is recommends that you backup all SDA database tables installed on your system. Ribbon professional services performs backup and restore operations on your system when installing new software or upgrading an existing SDA installation.

Services and Service Handlers are enabled by SDA licensing. The installation of a Service or Service Handler using the SDA System Manager GUI is not supported.

SDA Installation Files

Before you begin the SDA installation, copy the SDA install files from your PC or local server to the DSC 8000. See section Downloading SDA Software.

The following SDA install files are copied to the MGMT CPU:

  • SDA_19_0_0_nb20211117.tgz

The SDA archive filenames ending in tgz are installed in the software directory. The remaining files are copied to the root directory on the MGMT CPU.

To copy SDA install files to the DSC 8000

  1. Copy the SDA install files to the root directory on the MGMT CPU.

    Command Example
    # scp ~/ root@

    Use the IP address of the active MGMT CPU in your DSC 8000 system when using the copy command.


  2. Verify the SDA install files are copied to the root directory.

    Command Example Output
    # pwd
    # ls -l
    total 116
    -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 31148 Sep 14 08:39
    -rw------- 1 root root 20518 Aug 29 15:56 anaconda-ks.cfg
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 42663 Aug 29 15:55 install.log
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8256 Aug 29 15:54 install.log.syslog


  3. Copy the SDA archive files to the software directory on the MGMT CPU.

    Command Example
    # scp ~/SDA_17_0_0_nb20180722.tgz root@


  4. Verify the SDA archive files are copied to the software directory.

    Command Example Output
    # ls -l software/
    total 92788
    -r--r--r-- 1 root root 47116123 Sep 14 08:40 SDA_17_0_0_nb20180722.tgz

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