Based on the type of input command used, there are five types of TL1 output command responses:

  • Command Completion Response – specifies that a command is complete

  • Error Response – specifies that the command is incorrectly entered or configured. The reason for the error is provided

  • Retrieve Multiple Entries Response – specifies multiple command responses from several network objects

  • Retrieve Specific Entry Response – specifies a single command response from on network object

  • Autonomous Message Response – not supported

TL1 output commands have the following syntax for a successful response message:

:<Verb Modifier1>:[CTAG]:<Status Message>

[Response Entry or Entries]

TL1 output commands have the following syntax for a error response message:

:<Verb Modifier1>:[CTAG]:<Status Message>,<Error Message Code>

[Text Description of the Error]

All command response attributes are separated by colons (:) (except for a Response Entry or Response Entries) and terminated by a semicolon (;).

The following table describes the TL1 output response syntax elements with examples. For additional response examples, see Example Output Commands.

TL1 Output Command Syntax Elements and Examples

Syntax ElementDefinitionSyntax Example (in Bold)

Specifies the beginning of a response message. All commands begin with this message.


The response to the command to delete a serial card begins with RSP.


Each Ribbon Signaling System has a network management cards that provide network management interfaces. Each management interface is given a Host Name called a Source Identifier (SID). The SID consists of the name of the management card and the chassis slot number for the card.

The Target Identifier (TID) in a TL1 command specifies the SID of a network management interface for appropriate command routing and processing. If no TID is specified, the command is applied to the network element IP address that is currently connected.1, 2


The response to the command to delete a serial card is processed and a response sent using a network management card. In this example, the network management card SID is, eng_slot2.

<Verb>-<Modifier1>-<Modifier2>Always specifies the command verb, the first modifier, and the second modifier.


The response to the command to delete a serial card contains the verb, the first modifier, and the second modifier of the command.


The Correlation Tag (CTAG) specifies a command specific alphanumeric code that can be entered into the input command. The command response has the same CTAG in the response syntax. This provides a method to associate the input command with the output response.


The response to the command to delete a serial card contains the CTAG specified in the input command.

<Status Message>

The Ribbon Signaling System specifies two status messages:

  • COMPLD :  Specifies that the command has been received and executed by the network element.
  • DENIED : Specifies that the command has experienced an error.


The response indicates that the command was successfully completed.

<Error Message Code>



The Ribbon Signaling System specifies the following error messages:

  • CCUV : Command Code Error - Unrecognized Verb
  • CCIM : Command Code Error - Invalid Modifier(s)
  • IPNV : Input Parameter Not Valid
  • IPMS : Input Parameter(s) - Missing
  • ISCH : Input Syntax - Invalid Characters
  • IDRE : Input Data Range Error
  • SNEX : Status - entity does Not EXist
  • SAAS : Status - Value Already Assigned
  • SESW : System Error - Software
  • PLNA : Privilege - login not active
  • PIUC : Stated user privilege code is illegal

Every Error message is followed by an error description. These descriptions are not described in this section.

Example Error Message:

:”Filter object AID is missing.”

The response indicates that the command failed because no AID was specified.

Specifies one or more response entries with the following format:

:[AID]::[General Block],

The AID and the General block are described in   Table TL1 Input Command Syntax Elements and Examples.

A single entry response provide the attributes for one specific AID on a system.



The input command specified only one AID to verify and received only one entry in return.

All attributes for all AIDs associated to a view command (VFY) can be obtained by omitting the AID for the command.


The response message retrieved all AIDs accessible to the network interface because no AID was entered in the input command.

A partial AID can be entered to obtain a subset of all AID responses.

::1-1:CLLI=SS7 Slot 1,STATE=AVAILABLE, IPADDR1=/*ss7_cpu1_0*/,IPADDR2=/*ss7_cpu1_1*/,

[Response Entry or Entries] (cont)

The comment component is used to allow free format (i.e., human readable, not machine parsable) text. The free form text is always preceded by the pair of characters slash asterisk (/*) and followed by the pair of characters asterisk slash (*/).

Strings only appear in view (VFY) commands and are not used when a string is entered using ADD or CHG commands.

::1-1:CLLI=SS7 Slot 1,STATE=AVAILABLE, IPADDR1=/*ss7_cpu1_0*/,IPADDR2=/*ss7_cpu1_1*/,

1 The TL1 commands may only be sent to the currently connected network element, therefore, the TID is not required. The SID or Host Name is always specified in command response messages.

2 The SID cannot be configured using TL1. Configure the SID using the Web UI.

Example Output Commands

The following are examples of output commands.

Example 1

CHG-ATM-LINK (Change ATM Link Attributes)


Example 2

ADD-PCE-TRUNKMAP (Add a Trunk Mapping for PCE)


Example 3

CHG-GWST-ALWCLGPA (Change Allowed Calling Party Attributes for GWST)


Example 4

SET-ATM-LINKMGR (Activate or Deactivate ATM Link Manager)


Example 5



Example 6

ADD-RTE (Add a Route)


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