The Number Portability Gateway (NPGW) application is a message gateway and as such statistics are required to provide throughput numbers. The DSC Platforms provide NPGW data measurements as described in the following table.

Statistics Per System

All statistics are calculated over all routing CPUs, not on a per CPU/slot basis unless stated otherwise.

The following figure shows an example for these measurements.

NPGW Data Measurements File Example for 30 Minutes

The instance represents the application object that generates the data measurements. The NPGW instance value is formatted as follows:

  • NPGW
MTP3 Incoming MessagesNumber of MSUs received from the SS7/IP network at the NP Gateway from MTP3.
MTP3 Incoming OctetsNumber of octets received from the SS7/IP network at the NP Gateway from MTP3.
PSX NP T-ISUP Outgoing QueriesNumber of NP Triggerless ISUP queries sent to the PSX.
PSX NP T-ISUP Incoming ResponsesNumber of NP Triggerless ISUP responses received from the PSX.
PSX NP T-ISUP IAMs Not PortedNumber of IAMs which are not ported as per the PSX responses. 
PSX NP T-ISUP IAMs Ported PrefixNumber of IAMs which are ported via the IAM prefix option as per the PSX responses.
PSX NP T-ISUP IAMs Ported RELNumber of IAMs which are ported via the REL return option as per the PSX responses.
PSX NP T-ISUP Unassociated ResponsesNumber of NP Triggerless ISUP responses received from the PSX that cannot be matched to pending queries. Likely due to expiry.
PSX NP T-ISUP Queries TimeoutNumber of NP queries which did not receive a response in the configurable timer interval.
PSX NP T-ISUP Invalid InterceptsNumber of invalid intercepted messages for NP Triggerless ISUP.
PSX NP T-ISUP NP ErrorsNumber of IAMs which could not complete the PSX NP database dip (excluding timeouts). This includes PSX down, PSX queue full, and NP response digit processing errors such as out of bounds.
PSX NP T-ISUP Average Response TimeAverage response time for a NP Triggerless ISUP query to the PSX.
PSX NP T-ISUP Average Response Sample SizeSample size of the average response time for a NP Triggerless ISUP query to the PSX.