In this section:

Th following table lists and describes the link and linkset data measurements (StatisticsLink and StatisticsLinkset) maintained and reported by the DSC - SP2000 Platform over the indicated accumulation intervals as defined in GR-82-CORE Issue 10, December 6, Section 6.4.4 and 6.4.6.

Linkset Data Measurements

The DSC - SP2000 Platform provides linkset data measurements as described in the following table.

The following figure shows an example for these measurements.


Meaning of the linkset measurements are derived from the link measurements in the linkset.

Linkset Data Measurements File (example for 30 min)
date            ,instance           ,MSU's transmitted,MSU's received,MSU's octets transmitted,MSU's octets received,MSUs received requiring GTT,MSU octets received for MSUs requiring GTT,Duration of link set inactivity
2019-09-23-00:30,LKSET_95_3.048.2,62,62,2170,2170,0                ,0             ,0              ,0                  ,0                          ,0         
2019-09-23-00:30,LKSET_98_003.048.001,0                ,0             ,0                       ,0                    ,0                          ,0                                         

The instance represents the application object that generates the data measurements . The linkset instance value has the following format:

  • LKSET_<MTP3 NA>_<Linkset Name>-<CLLI>


 -<CLLI> will only be appended to the instance value if it is defined by the user. By default, the linkset CLLI attribute is set to 'none specified'.

Linkset Data Measurements

Name in Stats FileStatisticDescription
MSUs transmittedMSUs TransmittedThe number of MSUs transmitted to the remote end, including those MSUs that are retransmitted.
MSUs receivedMSUs ReceivedThe number of MSUs received on the link, including those for which retransmission is requested.
MSUs octets transmittedMSU Octets TransmittedThe number of octets associated with the MSUs counted in MSUs Transmitted (LKS MSU TX). This count measures the total number of octets transmitted for all outgoing MSUs, including octets added in MTP2 processing.
MSUs octets receivedMSU Octets ReceivedThe number of octets associated with the MSUs counted in MSUs Received (LKS MSU RX). This count measures the total number of octets received for all incoming MSUs, before octets are removed in MTP2 processing
MSUs received requiring GTTMSUs Received Requiring GTT

The number of incoming MSUs requiring GTT, regardless of the outcome of any gateway screening.

This statistic counts all incoming MSUs received at the linkset with an SIO of 3 (SCCP) and a called party address indicator of route on GT. The statistic is incremented regardless of whether a local GT treatment is performed.

MSU octets received for MSUs requiring GTTMSU Octets Received for MSUs Requiring GTTThe total number of octets associated with the measurement MSUs Received Requiring GTT (LKS MSU REQ GTT) including octets removed in MTP level 2 processing.
Duration of link set inactivityTotal Duration of Linkset InactivityThe total time that all links in the link set are unavailable to MTP3 during the measurement interval, regardless of whether the links are automatically or manually made unavailable.

Link Data Measurements

The DSC - SP2000 Platform provides link data measurements as described in the following table.

The following is an example for these measurements.

Link Data Measurements File (example for 30 min)

date,              instance,          MSU TX,MSU RX,Octets TX,Octets RX,Outage Time,Retransmit due to Error,Octet Retransmit due to error,Automatic Changeover,Negative Ack,Link Maintenance Usage,Duration of Level 1 Link Congestion,Duration of Level 2 Link Congestion,Duration of Level 3 Link Congestion,Event Count for Entering Level 1 Link Congestion,Event Count for Entering Level 2 Link Congestion,Event Count for Entering Level 3 Link Congestion,Priority 0 MSU's Discarded Due to Congestion,Priority 1 MSU's Discarded Due to Congestion,Priority 2 MSU's Discarded Due to Congestion,Priority 3 MSU's Discarded Due to Full Transmit Buffer,Link Active Time,Link Available Time,Near End Forced Link Unavailable,Number of Far-End Management Inhibits,MSU received requiring GTT,Octets received for MSUs requiring GTT,Failed to prove in after an automatic changeover,Duration of declared signaling link failure,Output delay average,Output delay sample size,TB occupancy average,TB occupancy sample size,Link capacity,Link Sctp Retransmission Data Chunks

2019-09-23-00:30,LK_95_3.048.2-00,62   ,62     ,2170    ,2170       ,0                     ,0                ,0                       ,0                  ,0                                          ,0                        ,0                              ,0                                  ,0                                    ,0      
,0											   ,0											    ,0											 ,0										      ,0										   ,0			   										  ,1800			   ,1800			   ,0								,0						 			  ,0						 ,0										,0											 	 ,0					  						 ,6					  ,30					   ,0					,360		   			 ,14360000	   ,0
2019-04-05-00:30,LK_5_7.013.7-11,60	   ,60	  ,1440		,1440	  ,0		  ,0					  ,0							,0					 ,0			  ,0					 ,0									 ,0									 ,0									 ,0												  ,0											   ,0												,0											 ,0											  ,0										   ,0													  ,1800			   ,1800			   ,0								,0									  ,0						 ,0										,0												 ,0											 ,6					  ,30					   ,0					,360					 ,14360000	   ,0                                                                                                                      

The instance represents the application object that generates the data measurements. The link instance value is formatted as follows:

  • LK_<MTP3 NA>_<Linkset Name>-<SLC>

DSC Link Data Measurements

Name in Stats File Statistic Description
MSU TX MSUs Transmitted

The number of MSUs transmitted to the remote node, including those MSUs that were retransmitted.

Note: The statistic is sent to library for every 5 seconds from link’s context. If the OPC matches the NA’s OPC for the transmitted MSU, then the MSU is counted.

MSU RX MSUs Received

The number of MSUs received by the remote node.

Note: The statistic is sent to library for every 5 seconds from link’s context. It is implemented for low speed SS7 Links only.

Octets TX MSU Octets Transmitted

The number of octets associated with the MSUs counted in MSUs Transmitted (LK MSU TX). This count measures the total number of octets transmitted for all outgoing MSUs, including octets added in MTP2 processing.

Note: The statistic is sent to library for every 5 seconds from link’s context. If the OPC does not match the NA’s OPC for the transmitted MSU, then the MSU is counted.

Octets RX MSU Octets Received Number of octets associated with the MSUs counted in MSUs Received (LK MSU RX). This count measures the total number of octets received for all incoming MSUs before octets are removed in MTP2 processing.
Outage Time Duration of Link Outage The total time the link is unavailable to MTP3 during the measurement interval, regardless of whether the link was automatically or manually made unavailable.
Retransmit due to Error MSUs Retransmitted The number of MSUs retransmitted by the near end.
Octet Retransmit due to error Octet Retransmit due to Error The number of MSU octets retransmitted by the near end.
Automatic Changeover Number of Automatic Changeovers The number of times the changeover procedure is used to move traffic from a link taken out of service to one or more alternate in-service links.
Negative Ack Number of Negative Acknowledgements Received

The number of times the Backward Indicator Bit is inverted, indicating the need to retransmit a group of MSUs.

Note: This measurement is implemented for low speed SS7 Links.

Link Maintenance Usage Link Maintenance Usage

The total time a link is manually made unavailable to MTP3 during the measurement interval.

Note: Link maintenance usage is calculated for the following:


  • Deactivation/Activation
  • Inhibit/Uninhibit
  • Reset


Duration of Level 1 Link Congestion

Duration of Link Congestion

Level 1

The total time the link was in congestion Level 1 during the measurement interval. This total time is derived by summing the time duration of each individual Level 1 link congestion event. A Level 1 link congestion event begins when the Level 1 congestion onset threshold is first reached or exceeded, or at the start of the measurement interval if the link is already at congestion Level 1. The Level 1 congestion event ends when one of the following occurs:

  • the occupancy first falls below the Level 1 congestion abatement threshold
  • the occupancy reaches or exceeds the congestion onset threshold for Levels 2 or 3
  • the measurement interval ends Note: The link congestion L1 duration is started in SNM when congestion level changes to Level 1.
Duration of Level 2 Link Congestion

Duration of Link Congestion

Level 2

Total time the link is in congestion Level 2 during the measurement interval. This total time is derived by summing the time duration of each individual Level 2 link congestion events. A Level 2 link congestion event begins when the Level 2 congestion onset threshold is first reached or exceeded, or at the start of the measurement interval if the link is already at congestion Level 2. The Level 2 congestion event ends when one of the following occurs:

  • the occupancy first falls below the Level 2 congestion abatement threshold
  • the occupancy reaches or exceeds the congestion onset threshold for Level 3
  • the measurement interval ends

Note: The link congestion Level 2 duration is started in SNM when congestion level changes to Level 2.

Duration of Level 3 Link Congestion

Duration of Link Congestion

Level 3

Total time the link is in congestion Level 3 during the measurement interval. This total time is derived by summing the time duration of each individual Level 3 link congestion events. A Level 3 link congestion event begins when the Level 3 congestion onset threshold is first reached or exceeded, or at the start of the measurement interval if the link is already at congestion Level 3. The Level 3 congestion event ends when one of the following occurs:

  • the occupancy first falls below the level 3 congestion abatement threshold or
  • the measurement interval ends

Note: The link congestion Level 3 duration is started in SNM when congestion level changes to Level 3.

Event Count for Entering Level 1 Link Congestion

Event Count for Entering Level 1 Link Congestion

The number of times congestion Level 1 is entered. Congestion Level 1 is entered when the link was previously not congested, and the link transmission buffer occupancy at a given scan first reaches or exceeds the Level 1 congestion onset threshold, but does not reach or exceed the congestion onset threshold for Level 2 or 3.

Event Count for Entering Level 2 Link Congestion Event Count for Entering Level 2 Link Congestion The number of times congestion Level 2 is entered. Congestion Level 2 is entered when the link is previously not congested or at Level 1, and the link transmission buffer occupancy at a given scan first reaches or exceeds the Level 2 congestion onset threshold, but does not reach or exceed the congestion onset threshold for Level 3.
Event Count for Entering Level 3 Link Congestion Event Count for Entering Level 3 Link Congestion The number of times congestion Level 3 is entered. Congestion Level 3 is entered when the link is previously not congested or at Levels 1 or 2, and the link transmission buffer occupancy at a given scan first reaches or exceeds the Level 3 congestion onset threshold.
Priority 0 MSU' Discarded Due to Congestion Priority 0 MSUs Discarded Due to Congestion The number of MSUs discarded due to congestion at Levels 1, 2, or 3.
Priority 1 MSU's Discarded Due to Congestion Priority 1 MSUs Discarded Due to Congestion The number of MSUs discarded due to congestion at Levels 2 or 3.
Priority 2 MSU's Discarded Due to Congestion Priority 2 MSUs Discarded Due to Congestion The number of MSUs discarded due to Level 3 congestion.
Priority 3 MSU's Discarded Due to Full Transmit Buffer Priority 3 MSUs Discarded Due to Full Transmit Buffer The number of MSUs discarded due to a full transmit buffer.
Link Active Time Link Active Time

The total time a link is in service and is transmitting MSUs during the measurement interval.

Note: This is accumulated when the link is up and ready for transmitting MSUs. The Outage time and the Active time are mutually exclusive.

Note: The full number of seconds is not always captured because the ActiveTimers class does not round according to milliseconds.

Link Available Time Link Available Time

The total time a link is available to MTP3.

Note: The Link Available time is accumulated when the link comes into service and is available for traffic.

Note: The full number of seconds is not always captured because the ActiveTimers class does not round according to milliseconds.

Near End Forced Link Unavailable Near End Forced Link Unavailable

The number of times a link is manually made unavailable to MTP3. Note: The counter is incremented when the

  • link is deactivated
  • link is inhibited
  • ink is subjected to processor outage condition
Number of Far-End Management Inhibits Link Far End Management Inhibit Number of times a link is successfully inhibited from the far end.
MSU received requiring GTT MSUs Received Requiring GTT

The number of incoming MSUs requiring GTT, regardless of the outcome of any gateway screening.

Note: Calculated on a per MSU basis and updated to the statistics library every 5 seconds.

This statistic counts all incoming MSUs received on a link with an SIO of 3 (SCCP) and a called party address indicator of route on GT. The statistic is incremented regardless of whether a local GT treatment is performed. 

Octets received for MSUs requiring GTT MSU Octets Received Requiring GTT

Total number of octets associated with the measurement MSUs Received Requiring (GTT LK MSU REC REQ GTT), including octets removed in MTP2 processing.

Note: Calculated on a per MSU basis and updated to the statistics library every 5 seconds.

Failed to prove in after an automatic changeover Number of Signaling Link Declared Failures All Types

The number of times a signaling link has failed to prove in after an automatic changeover.

Note: The declared failure type is incremented after initiating changeover.

Duration of declared signaling link failure Cumulative Duration of Signaling Link Declared Failures All Types

The total time that a signaling link is unavailable because of a declared signaling link failure.

Note: The accumulation of time taken for changeover operations on a link.

TB occupancy average Average Link Transmission Buffer Occupancy1 This measurement requires that the transmit buffer occupancy (in octets) be sampled at regular scanning intervals. The measurement is made by summing the occupancy values obtained in each sample and dividing by the number of samples made.
TB occupancy sample sizeNumber of samples for Transmit Buffer occupancy averageThe number of times the transmit buffer size was sampled during the measurement interval.
Output delay average Average Link Output Delay for Sampled MSUs This count requires that the link output delay2 of an MSU be sampled every 10 seconds. The samples are totaled over the measurement interval and averaged by dividing by the number of MSUs sampled.
Output delay sample size Number of MSUs Sampled for Link Output Delay Number of MSUs sampled for link output delay during the measurement interval.
Link CapacityLink CapacityMaximum number of bytes that could have been sent on the link during a specific interval.
Link SCTP Retransmission Data Chunks Link SCTP Retransmission Data Chunks Number of SCTP data chunks retransmitted on this link for M2PA and M3UA SG link type only. For other link types, this number is always 0 (zero).

1 In addition to the Average Link Transmission Buffer Occupancy, the DSC - SP2000 Platform also reports the sample size for this measurement.

2 Link output delay is the sum of the queuing delay and message emission time. Queuing delay is the time from when message is placed in the output signaling link controller buffer until its first bit is transmitted. For more information, see the GR-82-CORE, Section 9.2.2, Issue 10, December 2006.


The PCE application is usually deployed on a mated pair configuration (STP 1 and STP 2) with four peers (two peers in each STP). PCE calculates the Node Processing Time if a sampled MSU is transferred from a peer on one STP to a peer on the other STP. The PCE inter-peer communication is based on SCTP and has no related link buffering so the Link Output Delay for traffic leaving an STP through PCE is set to 0. Therefore, the cross-STP and Node Process Time are identical. Incoming MSUs from a peer on the other STP can also be sampled for node processing time based on the default sampling interval.