Data measurements (statistics) graphing is dynamically generated based on the files available in the /var/stats folder and can be displayed in the Web UI. Active statistics files are stored in the /var/stats folder.


You can not select a statistics for display from the /var/stats/compressed folder.

If an application is not licensed or has not collected any data measurements, this application does not appear in the Web UI in the Statistics utility.

A displayed graph does not automatically update when you change the required parameters for a given data measurement file. The Update Chart button must be clicked each time you change an entry in the Time, Interval, and Date drop-down lists.

You can also display a specific data measurement for a given data measurement file by selecting the required Statistic and "for Instance" under the Choose Statistic heading. If you select a new statistic for graphing, again you must click the Update Chart button under the same heading.

For a description of each data measurement, see the appropriate entry under the Data Measurements Reference section.


You can retrieve the file that you are graphing as a CSV file by clicking the Retrieve Stats File button and following the prompts to save the file as required.

You may select multiple Instances (see the for Instance scroll bar in the following figure), to display multiple graphs. For example, for Link statistics, you can select multiple configured links to compare a statistic(s) of various links simultaneously.

Features that allow you to format a graph are as follows:

  • Show Legend text box displays the legend below the graph. The legend displays the value of the graph(s) as you hover over it with the mouse.

  • Show Balloons text box displays a small filled circle (balloon) at the intersection of the x and y coordinates.

  • Chart Mode
    • Zoom Select allows you to zoom into a subset of the graph by selecting the required section with the mouse.

    • Scroll allows you to drag the graph with the mouse after having zoomed into a section of a graph and having switched to Scroll mode. Alternatively, the same scrolling effect can be accomplished by dragging the mouse in the scrolling section on the top of the graph.

Statistics Screen

To view data a measurement in a graph format

  1. From the Main Menu, click Statistics.

  2. Using the various drop-down and scroll lists, select the required statistic.

  3. Click Update Chart.

  • No labels