The Gateway Accounting (GWA) functionality is a licensed enhancement to the GWST to allow network administrators to support cascade remuneration of the SS7 messages coming into or through a signaling network from the SS7 linksets or M3UA/SUA ASPs. The accounting method used is based on the ITU Recommendation Q.752 and applied to all SS7 variants. It is the responsibility of the user to properly define the necessary accounting rules based on the Accounting Traffic Criteria for MTP3 and/or SCCP (see section below) for any remunerations.

The gateway accounting criteria can be a combination of the following fields:

  • MTP3 Parameters:
    • NA

    • Linkset APC or Application ID (incoming or outgoing based on traffic direction)

    • Traffic Direction (RX/TX)

    • OPC Range

    • DPC Range

    • SI Range

  • SCCP Parameters:
    • NA

    • Linkset APC or Application ID (incoming or outgoing based on traffic direction)

    • Traffic Direction (RX/TX)

    • OPC Range

    • DPC Range

    • CLD SSN Range

    • CLD Digits Prefix (6 max)

    • CLG Digits Prefix (6 max)

    • SCCP Class Range

    • TCAP Op Code Range

The GWST tables are configured with the instance name of the statistics count. The statistics are reported in four different file groupings. These files are as follows:

  • MTP3 Received

  • MTP3 Transmitted

  • SCCP Received

  • SCCP Transmitted

The DSC Platform provides Gateway Accounting data measurements as described in the following table.

The following figure shows an example for these measurements.

Gateway Accounting Data Measurements File (Example for 30 Minutes)
date,instance,GWA MTP3 MSU Msgs RX,GWA MTP3 Octet Msgs RX

The instance represents the application object that generates the data measurements. The Gateway Accounting (GWA) instance value is formatted as follows:

  • <Accounting MTP3 Rule Name>

  • <Accounting SCCP Rule Name>


Gateway Accounting Data Measurements

Statistic Description
GWA MTP3 MSU Msgs RX The number of Message Transfer Part Level 3 (MTP3) messages received.
GWA MTP3 Octet Msgs RX The number of octets contained in the received Message Transfer Part Level 3 (MTP3) messages.
GWA MTP3 MSU Msgs TX The number of Message Transfer Part Level 3 (MTP3) messages transmitted.
GWA MTP3 Octet Msgs TX The number of octets contained in the transmitted Message Transfer Part Level 3 (MTP3) messages.
GWA SCCP MSU Msgs RX The number of Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) messages received.
GWA SCCP Octet Msgs RX The number of octets contained in the received Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) messages.
GWA SCCP MSU Msgs TX The number of Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) messages transmitted.
GWA SCCP Octet Msgs TX The number of octets contained in the transmitted Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) messages.