In this section:

An event is the notification of a result, reported by a Service to the Service Handler that initiates the Service. A Service Handler generates a response based on the events reported by the Services. You can configure the response generated by the Service Handler for a particular event. You can also configure the next action to be performed by the Service Handler for a specific response.

There are two types of events:

  • Mandatory events
  • User-defined events


Mandatory Events

Events are pre-defined by the Service which you cannot change. The mandatory events include:

  • SERVICE ERROR - the service cannot complete due to an error within the service
  • TCAP ERROR - the service cannot complete because a protocol error was detected in the TCAP layer
  • SIGNALING RELATIONSHIP FOUND - the signaling data matches the data that the user provisioned within the screening table
  • SIGNALING RELATIONSHIP NOT FOUND - the signaling data does not match the data that the user provisioned within the screening table
  • FOUND - the combination of origin and TCAP information is found within the monitoring tables
  • NOT FOUND - the signaling information does not correlate to a monitored combination of signaling criteria
  • FOUND NOT QUALIFIED - the combination of origin and TCAP information is being monitored
  • SERVICE COMPLETED - the service completes with no specific user event generated

User-defined Events

User-defined events are events that you can define and associate with specific entries in the database. For example, create an event that is indicated when the specific MTP and TCAP combination occur. This event is mapped to an action that causes the signaling message to be blocked.

Not all Services allow user-defined events to be configured.

One example that shows the associations between the event and the response tables for the ETSI number portability service is shown graphically in the following figure.

ETSI Number Portability Data Flow


  • No labels