There are three common field types you can encounter using the Web UI:

  • text fields

  • radio buttons

  • drop-down lists

To enter information in the text fields, type the required text in the text box. This field accepts standard keyboard entries, including letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols. Pressing ENTER after you change the information in the text box invokes a prompt asking you to confirm the change. You cannot move to another screen without either committing the changes by clicking Continue, or cancelling these changes by clicking Cancel.

If you click Continue, you commit the changes and these changes are written to a configuration file. The system reads the configuration files to restore system settings if the system is reset or powered down. If you click Cancel, no change is applied to the system.

To select a radio button, click the radio button.

To select a drop-down list item, click the drop-down arrow and select the required drop-down list item.


  • No labels