The DSC offers a strong, flexible routing core, and the ability to connect applications over an IP interface. These applications can send and receive Diameter messages in a simple Extensible Markup Language (XML) format, which creates a powerful leading-edge infrastructure that is specific to the carrier or hub provider’s needs. This function allows the application to originate, terminate, relay, redirect, or proxy Diameter messages.

The connection to the external application is over TCP. The Diameter messages are placed in an XML format, as shown in the following example where the CER Message is in XML format.


<header cmd-code="257" flags="128" hh-id="1" ee-id="1234"/>

   <avp avp-name="Origin-Host" value="" />

   <avp avp-name="Origin-Realm" value="" />

   <avp avp-name="Auth-Application-Id" value="16777267" />


For more information about the XML format, refer to the XML Application Programming Interface User Guide.

An external application uses one of two methods to receive Diameter messages from the network. The external application either assumes its own Diameter ID and receives messages as expected, or the DSC Routing Tables are used to redirect or relay Diameter messages to the user connection. For details, refer to Configuring Ribbon DSC Routing Tables in the Ribbon DSC Application Guide.

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