Diameter Peers connected to the DSC can be provisioned along with parameters used for the connection. This includes items such as the following:

  • name

  • realm

  • security (IPsec, TLS, DTLS, or none)

  • transport type (SCTP or TCP)

  • IP addresses (remote and local)

  • Capabilities Exchange parameters (optional)

  • Flow Control parameters (optional)

  • Congestion Control parameters (optional)

When a Diameter Peer is provisioned, its status is shared with all Routing CPUs and VMs. The status of a Diameter peer is displayed on the Web User Interface (Web UI). Diameter messages within the DSC are routed between CPUs and VMs if the current CPU or VM does not have the required connections available.

For more information about configuring Diameter Peers, refer to Configuring ADN Connections in the Ribbon DSC Application Guide.

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